- PM Dodik With Associates in Pelagicevo at the Opening of Kozara Brigades Military Barracks
- Attorney Pantelic Claims: Doctors in the Hague Did Not Provide Adequate Assistance to Dr. Kovacevic
- Intelligence Affair on Relation Paris – London
At today’s opening of the military barracks of Kozara Brigades in Pelagicevo, PM Dodik said that the RS Army is the only one to preserve the peace in the area.
Conflicts in Kosovo continued in last night’s attacks of so-called Liberation Army of Kosovo on FRY police check points.
A press release of the International Tribunal on War Crimes in Hague states that there will be an internal investigation on the death of Dr. Milan Kovacevic who died yesterday of the heart attack in his cell. One of defense attorneys, Igor Pantelic stated that Kovacevic died because the Hague Tribunal did not provide the necessary health conditions. He said that the day before Kovacevic died, he asked for medical assistance, but he did not get it.
The RS Minister of Traffic and Communications, Marko Pavic put a transmitting-digital radio-relay system in Banja Luka into operation. The finances for this project amounting to 9.9 millions DM were provided by the EC. The system covers the area from Trebinje to Prijedor, including the links with FRY. According to Ostoja Knezevic, Director of “Telecom”, an international switchboard is expected to start functioning in September, while the system of mobile telephones is expected to be completed by the end of the current year, for most of the RS.
Mayor of Glamoc municipality, Bozo Jovicic informed the press today that two abandoned Serb houses were burned down in the center of Glamoc this morning. On this occasion, a meeting of the Municipal Assembly is scheduled for August 4th.
The parties presented in the “Elections” set of news are as follows
- SNS held a rally in Bijeljina, with participation of the RS President Plavsic
- SPRS public rally held in Lopare (Eastern RS), speakers were Dragutin Ilic, candidate and Nedjo Djuric, Vice-President of the party; the SPRS still expects official statement by the Hague Tribunal on the death of Dr. Milan Kovacevic
- SRS Secretary, Ognjen Tadic, expressed “alarming concern” of his party on the work of the Hague Tribunal