News Headlines:
- Djokic and Sydorsky agree that RS National Assembly should retain its legislative role for RS benefit
- Dodik-Sydorsky meeting in progress
- SDS holds press conference
- DNS voted non-confidence in RS Government because it wants work of Government to be put into legal framework – DNS President Dragan Kostic
- Dodik’s behavior implies immediate RS National Assembly session – Assembly Vice-President Jovan Mitrovic
- RS Government decision to suspend implementation of Supplements and Amendments to Law on Government is constitutional and necessary – DSP General Secretary Igor Radojicic
- Milosevic has lately been pulling strings in RS – Jusufovic
- Mihajlovic resigns from position of RS Pension-Insurance (PIO) Fund Director due to political instability of RS
- “My resignation will not affect payment of pensions” – Mihajlovic
- Croat police arrest 10 war crimes indictees on 12 September and several persons assumed to have participated in murder of ICTY witness Levar in Croatia
- Racan does not expect turmoil in Croatia following arrests
- Indicted war criminal Zoran Soldo surrenders to police – UN in Mostar
- Election campaign for BiH elections to begin on 27 September – OSCE
- Seminar “Women Can Do It” devoted to female candidates in elections held in Sarajevo
- Final condition for BiH to join Council of Europe is to adopt permanent election law – Council of Europe official Suzanne Mousier
- BiH reporters and international officials in Brussels discuss situation in BiH on eve of elections and pre-election events in Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavia will certainly join Stability Pact for Southeast Europe – Zagreb Summit declaration
- UN continues conference in New York with discussion on future of Balkans
- US Administration will support expulsion of Yugoslavia from UN if Milosevic does not recognize election results or if incumbent regime decides on massive ballot fraud – anonymous US State Department official
- EU promises to award Yugoslavia if citizens vote for change – Vedrine
- Papandreou says aim of his visit to Yugoslavia was to prevent NATO intervention
- NATO bombing could have been avoided if Yugoslav authorities had conducted different policy – Kostunica
- Yugoslav Information Minister Goran Matic accuses US of preparing scenarios to overthrow government using force in cooperation with Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS)
- Demo-Christian Party of Serbia President Vladan Batic characterises Matic statement as science fiction
- SRS presidential candidate Tomislav Nikolic accuses SPS and JUL of collecting signatures for Milosevic by threatening people with loss of their jobs
- US troops expected to join Croatian forces for military exercise in Adriatic Sea between 25 and 29 September – US Department of Defence
- World news
- Trial of Karadzic for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity starts in New York on 11 September
- Sports
- Weather
News Summary:
SDS holds press conference (01:10) RS Vice President Mirko Sarovic said at a SDS press conference in Banja Luka that he had addressed letters to the presidents of the BiH Supreme and Constitutional Courts in order to receive their opinion regarding the constitutionality of the legislature in the RS. According to him, the SDS position is that the RS Government and its head Milorad Dodik are blocking the work of the RS National Assembly by withdrawing all legal acts from the National Assembly procedure. To support this, Sarovic pointed to Dodik’s statement that the Government does not accept the Supplements and Amendments to the RS Law on Government. SDS Vice Chairman Dragan Cavic told the press conference that he would support any decision of the BiH Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the dissolution of Dodik’s office. In his opinion, the RS Government has the right to ask for an opinion on the constitutionality of any decision, but does not have the right to prejudice decisions of the Constitutional Court. Cavic rejected claims by certain political parties that the RS National Assembly is blocking the work of the Government. He criticized RT RS for its sparse reporting on the latest National Assembly session, saying that it failed to respect an agreement with the RS National Assembly on broadcasting entire session after midnight.
Milosevic has lately been pulling strings in RS – Jusufovic (00:32) RS National Assembly Deputy Speaker Munib Jusufovic stated that Slobodan Milosevic has lately been pulling the strings in the RS because he feels absolutely comfortable with a tense situation there. Jusufovic added that Milosevic is also comfortable with turmoil and anarchy in the RS. In his opinion, Belgrade directed the latest RS National Assembly session. “When a government is dissolved (dismissed), only individuals remain behind.” He concluded that the RS has no choice, it will either continue working or there will be chaos.