
OBN News Review, 5 May 2000


  • The framework agreement on trade co-operation has been signed between B&H and Indonesia
  • The OHR expects more various forms of unions in the Federation of B&H, after signing of the General Collective Contract
  • 350 employees of the construction company “Hidrogradnja” are on strike
  • The Turkish Parliament chose the President of the country in the third round of voting
  • A dangerous computer virus called “I Love You” attacks computers around the world


The Vice President of Slovenian Government, Marijan Podobnik visited Sarajevo today. He announced a large humanitarian concert, that will take place on 19th May. The money from the concert will be given to children, mine victims. The report was produced by OBN journalist Sanjin Beciragic.


The Indonesian Parliament delegation visited Sarajevo today. They signed the framework agreement on trade co-operation with B&H officials.

Banja Luka

The IMF representatives met the RS officials today. The head of the IMF for B&H, Juan Jose Fernandes Alonso was satisfied with economic reforms in the RS. “We agreed on reforms and strategy in fiscal reforms that the RS Government should perform in the newt 12 months”, said Novak Kondic, the RS Minister of Finance. “Government has to make an effort to close the gap between the contribution receipts and benefit payments”, said Mr Fernandes Alonso. Reported by Milorad Milojevic.


About 350 employees of the construction company “Hidrogradnja” have been on strike for 10 days. They haven’t received their salaries for 11 months. The management asked the employees to be patient. Unless they go back to work until 8th May, “Hidrogradnja” will lose their business contracts, Damir Kaletovic confirmed for OBN.


The Government adopted the General Collective Agreement yesterday. The OHR’s opinion is that the Contract is not suitable for market economy, and that the changes in it are only compromises, in order the workers to get a contract. The Union cannot represent only one ethnical group, said James Ferguson, the OHR Spokesman. Reported by Mirna Sadikovic.


Israeli planes bombarded two electric plants near Beirut, and a munitions warehouse that belonged to Hesbolah. The Special UN Envoy in Beirut condemned these strikes.

Turkey elected the tenth President, after the third election round.

The largest group of Philippine rebels, the Islamic Liberation Front “Moro” announced the 48-hour-ceasefire after a few weeks of heavy fightings with the Government forces.

Ken Leavingstone, member of the leftist party has been appointed for the new Mayor of London today. The piece on current world events was produced by Gordana Frimel.

Zeljka Lekic made an interview with the Indonesian President, Amin Rais who visited Sarajevo today. “Our national commitment is to pursue whoever have committed crimes against humanity. But we won’t allow people from abroad to judge for these crimes”, said Mr Rais on the issue of war crimes that were committed in East Timor. Democracy development is the only way to the future for Indonesia, he added.


The International Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand asked the entities to perform all their obligations to the district. 5500 requests for property restitution in this district have been resolved, he added. Reported by Slobodanka Radojkovic from Brcko.


The Board of Mostar water supply company “Vodovod” appointed the management of the company. This was the basic condition for receiving a loan from the World Bank.


On Sunday, there will be 7 years since the destruction of mosques “Ferhadija” and “Arnaudija” in Banja Luka. The OHR, the OSCE and the UN requested from the RS Government to allow reconstruction of 7 mosques that were completely destroyed during the war. The report was produced by Adis Saranovic.


War invalids and families of killed soldiers blocked the highway M17 near Zenica, because their pensions and salaries were a few days late. Reported by Sanela Vilasevic from Zenica.


Amarildo Gutic produced a piece on legal dispute between Ferid Softic and the company “Pivara”, because of the illegal construction of their building on his property.


The RS Ministry of Education prohibited the work of the Business school in Prijedor. But students continue attending classes, and they say that they will fight for their rights, confirmed Milena Letic-Joves from Prijedor.


Branka Vrebac reported on promotion of the book “Dispute on Abraham” by Karl-Josef Kuschel, that took place in Sarajevo today.


Reports on local football and NBA league were presented.