
OBN News Review, 23 October 1999



  • Attack on the journalist, Zeljko Kopanja, strongly condemned
  • Russian Army are closing roads to Chechenia
  • How refugees in Visegrad live and why they do not want to return their pre-war homes
  • Topic of TV INFO: Improvement of the traffic control

Banja Luka

Attack with a bomb placed under the car of the “Nezavisne novine” Editor-in-chief, Zeljko Kopanja, has initiated many reactions and condemnations from all over BiH. Zeljko Kopanja is conscious although his health state is still difficult, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Darko Savic, confirmed. This was followed by a poll made on the streets of Banja Luka. Citizens of Banja Luka condemned this terrorist attack. The police investigation on this goes on.


The Russian Army continues military operations in Chechenia. Sources close to the Chechen President reported more than ten people killed and fifteen wounded during the morning attack. The USA called the Russian Government and Chechen officials to start negotiations. This was followed by a report on negotiations between Northern Ireland parties currently held in Belfast. The Sierra Leone Government is satisfy with the decision of the UN Security Council to send 6,000 troops to this country in order to guarantee implementation of the peace agreement reached in July. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Duska Jurisic.

Kosovo / Yugoslavia

A report on the four bodies that KFOR found in areas of Klina and Pristina yesterday. It was announced that investigation would start today. The Russian Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, warned that there might be some serious consequences for the Balkans and entire Europe if the sovereignty of Yugoslavia was not respected. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic.

Office of the High Representative

The High Representative of the International Community, Wolfgang Petritsch, decided to withdraw the OHR Special Envoy in Srebrenica. The High Representative said that one of his priorities was refugee return to Srebrenica where he would send experts from the Work Group for Return. The High Representative condemned the media campaign against the Srebrenica Special Envoy.


Approximately 12,000 refugees and displaced persons currently live in Visegrad. The number of refugees is double in comparison to the number of local inhabitants. The biggest number of refugees is placed in 12 collective centers. The living conditions for the refugees very difficult. However, most of them do not want to leave the RS and return to their pre-war homes. The report on this was produced from Visegrad by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.

Pelagicevo (Brcko)

This was followed by a report on the inhabitants of Pelagicevo, the small town which was not included in the district according to the arbitrary decision on Brcko. Although local population traditionally were farmers, recently they started to deal with trade. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Slobodanka Radojkovic.


A piece on the regional road, between Rujiste and Velike Poljane, construction. The road will provide better links of Mostar with Konjic and Glavaticevo. The works on the road could be finished before the deadline, OBN reporter from the area, Denis Vila, confirmed.


A piece on the control of traffic in the Sarajevo Canton. For the last nine months, 4,588 car accidents had happened. Twenty five people had killed. Currently, the OHR, IPTF and the Ministry of Internal Affairs try to improve the security situation on BiH roads, OBN reporter, Adnan Burazerovic, confirmed.

Banja Luka

This was followed by a report on the traffic situation in the RS. Every day, nine car accidents happen in Banja Luka. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the town, Darko Savic.


A piece on the promotion of the book “From the Death of Tito to the Death of Yugoslavia, Testimonies” by Raif Dizdarevic. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Meliha Hasanbegovic.

This was followed by a piece on the round table meeting organised by the Vrbosna Catholic Theology and Franciscan Theology. The topic of the round table meeting was “Faith and Sense”. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sefko Bajic.

A report on the “Omage” theatre performance at the International Theatre Festival “MESS 99” in Sarajevo was produced by OBN reporter, Gordana Frimel.


A report on Formula One was followed by reports on the decision of IOC and local football matches.