
OBN News Review, 15 January 2000



  • Visoko – another factory opened with the support of a partner from Slovenia – some three hundred workers will get a job
  • Chechenia – new escalation of clashes – there is no reliable information on the current situation in Grozny
  • Topic of TV INFO – Banja Luka: the process of privatisation in the RS – Sarajevo: Independent Association of the Professional Journalists of Bosnia and Herzegovina unsatisfied with the BiH media reactions about the suggested law on slander
  • Case of the Pinochet dictator – whether his crimes can fall under the statute of limitation?

Murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan)

A piece on the murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) in front of the “Interkontinental” hotel in Belgrade. Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) was one of the most wanted war criminals by the Hague Tribunal. Unknown perpetrators killed his body guard and an unidentified man and a women on the spot. Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) died on his way to the hospital. According to the eye-witnesses, Raznjatovic was shot in his left eye.

Press Release of the HDZ party in BiH

As a reaction to the verdict of the Hague Tribunal on the war crimes committed by five Croats from Srednja Bosna, the HDZ party in BiH issued a press release. It was said that they were surprised with the length of the sentences having in mind that the Croatian people in Srednja Bosna were blocked at that time and were fighting for their survival. Also, it was said that the HDZ party in BiH would take care of the families of the five sentenced Croats from Srednja Bosna.


Violent fights have been conducted in the Chechen capital again. In the meantime, the number of refugees from Chechenia has decreased to 175,000. However, there has not been any reliable information on how the Russian offensive has been implemented. This was followed by a report on two earthquakes in China. Four people were killed and more than 400 were injured. Another accident occurred in a mine. This was followed by a report on the visit of the US State Secretary, Madeline Albright, to Colombia and efforts of the US to support Colombia in their fight against drugs. Reports on Iraq, Indonesia and Croatia were presented. The report on current events in the world was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.


A factory of car slipcovers was opened in Visoko as the result of business cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Slovenia. Opening of such a company is a positive step in the more active participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the car industry. The project is worth five million DEM. Entire production of this new factory “Prevent – Visoko” will be exported. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Anes Alic.


A report on yesterday’s meeting held between the members of the Tuzla Canton Government and the representatives of the Tuzla Municipality authorities where the representatives signed an agreement beginning of construction of a drinking water factory. This factory will be a part of the power plant in Tuzla. The opening funds worth 250,000 DEM, were provided by the BiH Federation Government. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the town, Dusan Micevic.

Banja Luka

A report on the process of privatisation in the RS. Since January 3rd, 1932 citizens have been registered. Citizens have been mainly informed what documents they need in order to register for the process of privatisation of the state-owned capital. Citizens have been skeptic about the process of privatisation. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the town, Nedeljka Breberina.


“Zitopromet” factory from Brcko is one of a few companies with good business results. This factory provided a market to its products all over Bosnia and Herzegovina because of good quality of their products. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Brcko, Slobodanka Radojkovic.


Independent Association of the Professional Journalists of Bosnia and Herzegovina is unsatisfied with insufficient reactions of BiH media about the law on slander which was recently suggested. This law would allow high charges for damage caused by slendar or offence. They think this law is another pressure on BiH media. They expect the High Representative to influence the BiH Federation Government in reconsidering the adopted draft law. The report was produced by OBN reporter Sanjin Beciragic.


A piece on the UK decision not to extradite the ex Chile dictator Augusto Pinochet to the Spanish authorities because of his illness. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.


A report on local handball was followed by reports on international skiing, football, NBA and tennis.