
OBN News Review, 10 November 2000



  • The B&H General Elections will take place tomorrow
  • Yugoslavia has officially become the OSCE member
  • Outcome of the US presidential election is still uncertain
  • The Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic reacted to accusations of “The Washington Post” against him


Yugoslavia has officially become member the OSCE member. “Yugoslavia shall respect integrity of neighbouring countries, and we expect the same from their part”, said the FRY Foreign Minister, Goran Svilanovic. On journalist question whether the FRY Government would extradite Milosevic, Svilanovic reminded that Yugoslavia accepted opening of the ICTY office in Belgrade. Reported by Gordana Frimel.

Banja Luka

“About 1 103 000 voters have been registered in the RS. 130 international and about 7000 local observers shall supervise the elections” said the OSCE Spokesman in Banja Luka. Biljana Arsic produced the report.


“The Washington Post” accused the Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic of illegal work and management of secret funds in yesterday’s article. Mr. Bicakcic reacted to the accusations today, claiming that the article was ordered by the SDP. The Prime Minister denied all accusations, Amarildo Gutic reported.

Banja Luka

The RS Government session took place today. The Government’s commission will monitor tomorrow’s elections. They also analysed budget realisation, concluding that all obligations towards pensioners have been fulfilled so far. Reported by Milorad Milojevic.

Banja Luka

Pensioners decided to stop their protests at the time of the election. The protests will continue after the election, Suzana Vukcevic reported.


Outcome of the US presidential election is still uncertain. Recount of ballots in Florida is still taking place.

At least 2 Palestinians died and 20 were injured in Israeli-Palestinian clashes in Gaza.

The Croatian Assembly adopted necessary constitutional changes for strengthening of democracy last night.

15 prisoners have been released from prison in Pozarevac, Serbia. This was prisoners’ prerequisite for delivery of weapons. Gordana Frimel reported on current events in the world.

The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch visited Zenica, where he met employees of the Zenica Ironworks. Returning to Sarajevo, a car accident took place, where the vehicle of the High Representative was damaged. No one was injured.


At the request of Turkish journalists, a press conference on refugee return in east parts of B&H took place in Sarajevo. “About KM 80 million is needed for implementation of the project”, said the Federation Minister for Refugees, Sulejman Garib. Reported by Sevko Bajic.


An exhibition of works of Irfan Handukic, “Bliskost vidjenja” was opened today in “Collegium Artisticum” in Sarajevo., Meliha Hasanbegovic reported.


Reports on 34th Chess Olympics in Istambul and international football were presented.


The EU Commissioner, Xavier Solana visited Sarajevo today. Mr. Solana met B&H Presidency members. “The Summit in Zagreb on 24th November will help integration of B&H in Europe”, Mr. Solana said. “We will approve a package of economic aid until 2006 for countries of the region”, he added. Zeljka Lekic produced the report.