
OBN News Review, 1 October 1999



A report on the reception organised by the German Embassy in BiH due to the 50th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany. The International Community and BiH top diplomats met at the reception. The report on this was produced by OBN reporter, Zeljka Lekic.


  • After last night’s tumultuous protests in Belgrade, a group of opposition members find themselves in a police trap
  • Germany is ready to invest in BiH although they think international donations would decrease
  • Companies from France, Italy and Malaysia-Bosnian Investment Group candidates for the construction of the main road between Zenica and Sarajevo
  • Finalising of the Stambolcic tunnel reconstruction on the Sarajevo-Gorazde road
  • Exclusive story: Will mothers from Srebrenica come out to streets because of finance frauds?

Banja Luka

President of the Foreign Policy Board of the BiH Parliament, Branko Dokic, said today that Germany was ready to invest in BiH although they thought international donations would decrease. The Board delegation has just returned from the visit to Berlin, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Suzana Vukcevic, confirmed.

Sarajevo -Zenica Main Road

This was followed by a report on the tender for the construction of a modern highway Sarajevo-Zenica in three year time. Three companies from abroad (France, Italy and Malaysia) applied for the project. The decision will be reached next week. The report on this was produced by OBN reporter, Slobodan Maksimovic. The project is worth 450 million dollars.


A report on the opening of the transit main switch board for mobile phones in Pale today was produced by OBN reporter, Vedran Persic.

Belgrade, Serbia

More than twenty individuals were wounded in the protests in Belgrade last night. New protests have been scheduled for tonight, OBN reporter from Belgrade, Danica Ilic, confirmed.


A report on the biggest nuclear accident in Japan to date was followed by reports on arrival of Russian troops to Chechenia, earthquake in Mexico and celebration of the 50th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. A piece on the current situation in Kosovo and new tensions between Serbs and Kosovo Albanians was presented. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.

Exclusive Story

Association of Mothers from Srebrenica announced new protests due to finance frauds. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.

Banja Luka

A piece on further reactions to the Banja Luka Mayor, Djordje Umicevic, statement that he would not allow reconstruction of the Ferhadija mosque in the town. The Banja Luka Mufti, Nusret Avdibegovic, discuss the issue. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Biljana Arsic.

This was followed by a report on the electricity supply system in BiH. The World Bank currently makes a study on the adjustment of the electricity prices in BiH with European’s. The project should be finished until 2003.


Last night, awards at the ZEPS international business show in Zenica were presented to the participants, OBN reporter from the town, Nela Kacmarcik, confirmed.


A piece on the manifestation “Days of Bread” in Kiseljak, Kresevo, Busovaca and Vitez. Students from secondary schools participated in the event.


A report on the UEFA Cup results was followed by a report on the international tennis tournament in Munich.