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13.06.1996 PIC Conference Florence Contents of the Implementation of the HR Provisions of the Peace Agreement ContentsExecutive SummaryHuman Rights Institutions And Monitoring OrganisationsA. Peace Agreement InstitutionsThe Commission on Human RightsCommission for the Real Property Claims of Displaced Person and RefugeesOffice of the High RepresentativeB. Intergovernmental OrganisationsUN Mission in Bosnia and HerzegovinaOrganisation for Security and Cooperation in EuropeUnited Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesUnited Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsEuropean Community Monitoring MissionCouncil of Europe C. Other OrganisationsD. Overall AssessmentHuman Rights ImplementationLegislative and Institutional ReformCreation of Conditions for Human Rights Organisations to Operate EffectivelyRelease of PrisonersProtection Of Fundamental Rights And FreedomsNon-discrimination / Protection of MinoritiesFreedom of MovementArbitrary Detention / Fair TrialRight to Return / Property rightsFreedom of Thought / Expression / AssociationProtection of the PersonConclusions And RecommendationsInstitutional StepsCooperation with Human Rights Institutions and OrganisationsAddressing Human Rights Abuses