
Supervisory Order On Arizona Market


In accordance with paragraph 37 of the Brcko Final Award of March 5, 1999, paragraph 8(A) of the Annex of August 18, 1999;

Following the commitment of OHR, OSCE, UN and SFOR to regularize trade at the Arizona Market by June 2001 supported by the authorities of the Entities and the Brcko District;

Recognizing the significant commercial activity that Arizona Market represents for the Brcko District and the entire northeastern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Aiming to bring this activity into full compliance with the Law for the benefit of all citizens,

I hereby issue the following Order:

  1. All business licenses issued with regard to Arizona Market by the former municipal, cantonal or entity administrations existing within the Brcko District shall be subject to re-validation and re-issuance by the Brcko District Government.
  2. All legal and natural persons currently performing business activities without a license in Arizona Market shall apply to the Brcko District Government for licensing within 30 days from the issuance of this Order or be closed down in accordance with applicable law.
  3. Business activities shall be performed in Arizona Market only between 06:00 and 18:00 hours. No business activities of any nature shall be performed in Arizona Market outside these working hours unless I have given my explicit approval. Any violation of the working hours shall be subject to sanctions including confiscation of business premises and equipment.
  4. The Mayor of the Brcko District shall establish a Task Force from members of the Brcko District Government and Police to coordinate the implementation of this Order and develop, subject to my final approval, a comprehensive plan for the regularization