During the October MARECO INDEX BOSNIA (MIB) performed 41st omnibus in the territory of the Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this wave OHR – SARAJEVO placed 8 questions. Research was realized in the territory of the B&H starting 17th October and ending 23rd October 2000.
1. Research Type
Quantitative research was performed using the method of “face-to-face” interviews.
2. Questionnaire
Questionnaire was provided by OHR and translated into Bosnian. Questionnaire consisted of 16 identifying questions, 8 function questions and 13 demographic questions with 2 additional questions for checking of questionnaires by supervisor. The questionnaire was accompanied by show cards and methodological instructions for the Survey. MIB team adjusted language in questionnaire to Bosnian, Croat and Serbian versions. In addition to asked questions, Clients will receive “extra” question – Voting on Parliamentary Elections.
3. Research Design and Implementation
3. 2. Number of Respondents
In the Federation 10 cantons were covered and in the Republika Srpska 6 regions were covered. By sampling plan was foresaw 2500 persons in the territory of the B&H (850 in the Republika Srpska and 1650 in the Federation B&H). Number of respondents by sampling points is 10 (totally 250 sampling points in B&H). Numbers of respondents in regions, municipalities and starting points established according to brief. The number of respondents per region:
Federation |
170 Respondents 30 Respondents 420 Respondents 310 Respondents 40 Respondents 170 Respondents 130 Respondents 60 Respondents 280 Respondents 40 Respondents |
Republika Srpska: |
390 Respondents 120 Respondents 120 Respondents 70 Respondents 80 Respondents 70 Respondents |
In this wave boosting was applied for population 12-17 (N=250). Total sample size was 2750, aged 12+. Boosted sample 12-17 was distributed representatively: 1 child per sampling point (N=250).
Because of the boosting, two questionnaires were used. Standard questionnaire for adults and adapted questionnaire for children 12-17. In adapted version of the questionnaire, children aged 16-17 were asked whole questionnaire (as adults), while younger children (12-15) were not asked only three questions (list of seen/heard campaigns (“Ovaj and Onaj” was asked), topic of campaign, messages of the “Ovaj and Onaj” campaign). For all children (12-17) was asked specific question about their noticing the corruption in schools.
Total number of supervisors is 13 (5 Bosniaks; 6 Bosnian Serbs; 2 Bosnian Croat). All supervisors have participated in our previous research projects. Total number of interviewers in Wave 41 is 135 (Bosniaks 66, Croats 13, Serb 46 and 10 Other).
4. 1. Sampling Plan
The Sampling Plan envisaged interviewing in 16 regions (10 Cantons in the FB&H and 6 regions in the RS), ensuring the required ethnic and demographic structure of the sample. Sampling points were local neighborhood communities. In the bigger urban centers, streets were used. Supervisors and interviewers have accumulated considerable previous experience with MIB surveys, so it was not hard to work in accordance with the plan. Each supervisor was given written methodological instructions and sampling plan for the Survey.
4. 2. Selection of Respondents
For selection of respondents the principles “turn right” and call at each fifth home address (starting from the home number 3) were used; in multi-storey buildings – every the fifth floor and every first flat to the right of elevator, respectively. In rural settlements principals “zigzag” and every house was used. Selection of respondents in household was on the principal “the nearest birthday” of one of the persons aged 18+.
5. 1. Fieldwork
Fieldwork started October 17th and was scheduled to be finished on 23rd October including control by supervisors (26th October). Supervisors were to back-check 10% of all interviews by telephone or visit.
5. 2. Control and Data Entry
Coding and the second control of questionnaire (by phone from the center – MIB office) were performed by MIB personnel. 120 questionnaires were controlled from MIB office by phone. After controlling we ratified that all questionnaires were completed with designated respondent and we did not find any of false/not conducted interviews. Data entry started on 27th October and completed on 30th October 2000. Three professional key punchers were engaged.
5. 3. Contacts and Refusals
During the interviewing 3571 contacts were established. Refusals totaled 821 or 29.9% of respondents envisaged by the sampling plan. 37 interviews were break in the middle of the interviewing. Total refusals were by urban/rural: In urban areas 445 refusals; in rural areas 376 refusals. Refusals by entity: Federation B&H 352, Republika Srpska 469.
Reasons for refusals:
1. Outright refusal at the door (not interested in the interview etc.) 447 refusals
2. Respondent never at home 79 refusals
3. Respondent available, but refused for political reasons 153 refusals
4. Respondent available, but refused for reasons of privacy 142 refusals
Mareco Index Bosnia