
OHR SRT News Summary, 9 Nov. 1997



  • RS President Biljana Plavsic in the interview to the Radio Free Europe: Always, in history, we should have followed the ones who wanted the Serbs to be in Europe
  • The latest literature editions in English for the students in RS soon
  • Secretary General of NATO Javier Solana notified a long-term presence of the international community in BiH
  • Russian President Boris Jeltsin in an official visit to China
  • Today, the British National Holiday and eight years since the Berlin wall was destroyed

RS President Biljana Plavsic in her interview with the Radio Free Europe assessed that BiH was a unique form of a hybrid state in the world, and that somebody had signed DA on behalf of the Serbs, and that it was not up to her to stop that experiment which had been started. RS President Biljana Plavsic stated for the Radio Free Europe that SDS had identified itself with the state, and that that party would not be in a position to make coalitions with anybody. President Plavsic pointed out that she, Djukanovic and Djindjic had the same wish to democratize the Serb area and enable the Serbs to go to Europe.

Judging from the statements of world officials, there will be a long-term presence of the international community in BiH. Secretary General of NATO Javier Solana proposed that the members of the international police forces IPTF, after their mandate expired, should be replaced by the new, well-armed forces, capable of contributing to the diplomatic efforts to efficiently resolve the crisis. Solana expressed his belief that the international community would stay in BiH even after June next year, and confirmed that all the countries agreed that the engagement should be a long-term one, but he was not precise about the form, scope, and structure. That mandate would be given to all the countries which had participated in the peace forces, including the USA and Russia, and Solana’s wish was for France to become a member of NATO, because it was very important for the security in Europe.

During the civil war in BiH, the Muslim soldiers killed a few hundred, if not thousand of Serb civilians in Sarajevo, the Herald Tribune published. The paper relies upon the official documentation of the Muslim Ministry of Justice. According to the paper, the documents, some of them published in the Sarajevo Muslim magazine “Dani”, were the first official confirmation that there had been war crimes committed against the Serbs in that town. The International Herald Tribune claims that those documents are mostly composed of testimonies and confessions of the Muslim soldiers and that they include the names of the soldiers and officers who took part or were directly responsible for the atrocities and murders. The International Herald reminds that no Muslim soldiers were sentenced to more than six years in prison for committed crimes, while most of them stayed in prison for only several months or were released immediately after the verdictAccording to the testimonies, the Muslim police and political leaders knew about those crimes, but did nothing to prevent them.

The parents of the Serb children in Vukovar, dissatisfied with the conditions in primary and secondary education in the Srem ­ Baranja region, decided not to send their children to school starting from Monday, November 10. The parents require that the demotion of the Directors of non-Serb nationality and appointment of the Serb ones should be done by the Ministry. They also require the textbooks in Serbian, and introduction of bi-lingual documentation in schooling, and respect of the agreement concerning history learning in Croatia from 1990 until now.

Time has shown that the implementation of the civilian part of DA is more complicated than the military one. Today, in Banja Luka, a two-day seminar with the topic of the role of NGOs in promoting civilian society and making the return of refugees possible, in the organization of the European Council for refugees and exile, was finished. The representatives of 150 NGOs from both entities of the Dayton BiH, FRY, Croatia, Great Britain, and some other European countries took part in the seminar. After the seminar, which was closed for public, a press conference was held, at which Nick Hardwick, representative of the British Commission for refugees in London, said that the aim was to exchange ideas and strategies about the return of refugees to their homes.

The Office for customs and fiscal affairs of the European Commission is writing a report on illegal business of the companies in RS and Federation BiH. Some parts of that report were sent to the RS Ministry of Interior with its headquarters in Banja Luka.

There was a press release of the leader of the Democratic Party of RS Ljubisa Savic Mauzer today. Last year he was announced a traitor by those who thought in a different way, and since it did not have the expected effects, there are more and more of those who have a different opinion. The officials of SDS in disintegration continued to behave maliciously against the leaders of RS opposition.

The regular assembly of SDS of all Serb countries took place in Belgrade today. In the presence of the delegates from all over Serbia and Director of the Board of SDS Vlado Vrkes, the new Statute, program, and code of behavior of SDS members were adopted.

The Blackwells bookstore is an Oxford company, which has a 120 yearlong tradition. In the forthcoming period it will be engaged in the transfer of scientific literature for RS, i.e. the University in Banja Luka. The Head of the University and Vice President of RS Dragoljub Mirjanic talked with the representatives of Blackwells in Banja Luka today.

The Head of the OSCE mission in BiH Robert Frowick assessed that the constitutive sessions of the municipal councils in three Mostar municipalities, which had been attended only by the HDZ delegates, could not be considered as valid.

In spite of warnings of the international financial organizations, today, in Bijeljina, the first round of distribution of free stocks within the process of privatization in RS for 299 companies was performed in the presence of the Director of the Board Aleksa Milojevic. 15 sec