
OHR SRT News Summary, 6 July 1999



  • Radoslav Brdjanin arrested and transferred to the Hague;
  • Petar Djokic: The RS NA reputation seriously harmed;
  • Djokic and Dodik talked to HR Westendorp on possible reconstruction of the RS Government;
  • Kosovo Serbs- We cannot be represented by those who escaped from Kosovo;

SFOR arrested Radoslav Brdjanin in Banja Luka today. The arrest is officially confirmed in the Hague Tribunal and in NATO HQ in Brussels. Javier Solana also confirmed Brdjanin’s detention and said it was carried out within the limits of the SFOR mandate in BiH. SRT gave a detailed account of Brdjanin arrest based on statement of his wife. SRT carried the statement of HR Westendorp regarding this case who said that OHR was not involved in any way in this action. Westendorp said that OHR respected the decisions of the Hague Tribunal, specially its impartiality, but added that these decisions sometimes might have caused problems.

RS reactions on Brdjanin’s detention

SRT carried the reactions of political parties on the issue: Petar Djokic, Mirko Sarovic, Krstan Simic, SNS, SNSD, Narodna Stranka (led by Brdjanin), Djordje Umicevic, SFOR SW Spokesman David Bornstein and UK Defense Minister George Robertson. Almost all political parties and politicians from the RS expressed their surprise regarding the Brdjanin’s detention except Krstan Simic, who said that he was not surprised by decision of the Hague Tribunal and SFOR action, reminding on the announcement of Louise Arbour during her last visit to BiH on detention of BiH politicians who were in power during the war.

Upon consultations with the majority of RS parties NA Speaker Djokic assessed that conditions are still not met for holding and inter-parties meeting on the reconstruction of the RS Government.

HR Westendorp visited Banja Luka and met Dodik, Djokic and Sarovic. The main topics were economic and political situation in RS. HR Westendorp says the IC does not oppose certain number of SDS ministers entering new government, but not in the key posts. He also spoke of the importance of the upcoming Summit of Stability Pact. Westendorp also mentioned that he offered to Sarovic to take over the presidential duties on several occasions but Sarovic always refused. (SRT carried the statement of Djokic who said that the next session of the RS NA would be very important.)

International Labor Organization holds seminar in Banja luka; RS Deputy PM and Minister for Veterans, War victims and labor Tihomir Gligic said that the aim of the seminar was to capacitate representatives of the government, chamber of commerce and trade unions in the processes of reaching agreements on any eventual disputes. Gligic added that the RS was in very difficult economic situation and it would be even worse after the process of privatization, when it is expected the majority of workers to stay out of work.


SRT correspondent from Belgrade (Draga Grubic) report on situation in Kosovo. SRT correspondent carried the statement of Momcilo Trajkovic (Serbian Resistance Movement), SPO, SRS, DS, DSS, Reform Party of Vojvodina and joint statement of Joszef Kassa and Andrasz Agoszton on autonomy of Vojvodina.SRT also carried the news on rally in Leskovac held yesterday, rally organizer detained, tomorrow’s opposition rally in Uzice (accompanied with APTN footage).

The RS Defense minister Manojlo Milovanovic and the Head of General staff Gen.Col Momir Talic went to Insbruck to attend the seminar on Confidence building in the region.

Dodik and Sarovic talked to Italian Ambassador to BiH on economic and political issues in the RS.

RS and FBiH PMs Dodik and Bicakcic met today in Banja Luka outside regular protocol procedure and no press statements were issued.

RS and FBiH Finance Ministers (Covic and Kondic) met in Banja Luka today to discuss inter-entity economic relations. The main topics were harmonizing legislation with the European standards and establishing direct inter-entity cooperation without OHR mediation. Kondic said:”We are committed to our responsibilities to fully implement the DPA and establish good relations and cooperation”. Covic said that the meetings between two governments should be more frequent in order to resolve the open issues. Two ministers discussed issues pertaining to returns, customs policy and control.

International Agencies press conference in Sarajevo; OHR Spokesman Oleg Milisic says that situation regarding refugee returns in Drvar is very difficult and added that situation is even worse due to the fact that local Serb authorities do not function and Croats do nothing to change the situation. The IC supports refugee returns and will do everything to implement the Annex 7 of DPA.