- Day of Saint Sava Celebrated Throughout RS, Happiest Celebrations in Schools
- President Poplasen Scheduled Continuation of Consultations With Parliamentary Parties on Appointment of PM Nominee for January 29th
- Reconstructed Bridge on Raca Started Functioning Again Today
- Payment of December Pensions Will Start on February 1st
- NATO Coordinating Standpoints Today on Possible Military Action in Kosmet
- New Casualties Found of Catastrophic Earthquake in Columbia
RS President, Nikola Poplasen scheduled a meeting with heads of parliamentary parties and caucuses of the RS, for Friday, January 29th, in order to continue consultations on appointment of a new PM nominee of the RS, as confirmed from the President’s Cabinet.
President of the BiH Presidency, Zivko Radisic met with US Ambassador to BiH, Richard Kauzlarich in Banja Luka today and they discussed the current political situation in the RS. There were no press statements.
Srna was informed by the Cabinet of RS PM, Milorad Dodik that he will depart the RS on January 30th, for an official visit to the USA. The PM will be staying in New York and Washington, where he should meet high officials of the US Administration. Dodik emphasised that he will participate in a meeting with US President, Bill Clinton, and that he will try to explain the situation in the RS and to get economic assistance.
Vice President of the RS, Mirko Sarovic today expressed his belief that there will be no revision of the DA in the process of Brcko IEBL arbitration in Vienna, and that there will be territorial and legislative-legal continuity of the RS in the area of this city.
President of the SNSD, Milorad Dodik stated at today’s press conference of his party, that the meeting of the SNSD Main Board was productive and assessed that members responded adequately to the so-called “Congress of the SNSD” held by the former PM nominee, Brane Miljus. Dodik said that the Board considers that the RS President should give the PM mandate to the “Sloga” Coalition, keeping in mind that the previous two candidates were not from this coalition. Secretary of the SNSD, Nenad Bastinac assessed that the RS crisis can be solved if President Poplasen appoints PM Dodik for the new PM nominee or if he dissolves the NA, but the last solution could jeopardise the RS.
Vice President of the SRS, Pantelija Damjanovic stated today at a press conference that the SRS hopes that the standpoints of the two blocks of Serb parties in the RS NA, on appointment of a new PM nominee, will become closer within the next couple of days. Damjanovic said that the Coalition of the SDS and the SRS left it to the “Sloga” Coalition to decide on appointment of the new PM nominee, on condition that they do not appoint the current PM Dodik. The SRS arguments for such a condition were that the current Government has only been giving false promises to the people and its work was not satisfactory. Damjanovic concluded that the SRS wants to have a Government in which the electoral results will be respected and which will have the majority support in the RS NA.
Deputy HR, Jacques Klein stated that it would be easier to work with the Croat population in the BiH if it had its entity, because in that case it would have its identity and culture. In his statement to today’s Zagreb daily “Vecernji list”, Klein advised the Croats to have close cooperation with the IC, as the IC can influence the changes which are very important to Croats.
The deadline for submitting claims for purchase of apartments in the BiH Federation will be extended for 6 months after March 6th. OHR Spokeswoman, Alexandra Stiglmayer stated that the OHR supports this extension because otherwise thousands of returnees would not be able to purchase their pre-war apartments.