
OHR SRT News Summary, 25 October 1998



  • China and Russia Abstained From Resolution of Security Council on Kosmet Crisis
  • South Serbian Province – Topic of Milosevic-Clark Meeting
  • Jewish Settlers on West Coast Most Displeased About Peace Agreement Between Israel and Palestinians

The UN Security Council adopted a new Resolution on Kosovo last night, accepting and supporting the Agreement between Milosevic and Holbrooke. At the same time it warns about the necessity of fulfilling last month’s resolution on Kosovo and the obligation for negotiations of Serbian authorities with representatives of Kosmet Albanians on the framework of a plan for political solution of the crisis, to be completed by November 2nd. The Council especially requested the Albanian leadership in Kosovo to condemn and immediately cease any terrorist actions with a warning to Kosovo Albanians that only their peaceful and non-violent aspirations towards political aims are acceptable. At the insistance of China and Russia, any mention of a NATO ultimatum of air strikes on Serb positions in the event Milosevic does not withdraw his forces by November 27th in the requested numbers was excluded from the resolution.

Reuters reports that there is radicalisation of the official Tirana stand towards the issue of Kosovo, as the new PM of Albania, Pandelji Maiko, stated today that the Kosmet Albanians should decide themselves on the future status of Kosovo.

The OSCE today formalised the decision on a Mission for Supervision on Implementation of Kosovo Agreement, only a few hours after adoption of the new Resolution on Kosovo. The Mission in Kosovo will last for one year and will be extendible.

EU Foreign Ministers will meet tomorrow in Luxembourg to discuss the Kosovo situation, with respect to the new Resolution of the UN Security Council, the deadline for withdrawal of troops and preparations for the start of activities of the OSCE Mission in which the EU would like to have 1,200 of the total number of 2,000 members.

NATO Generals, Wesley Clark and Klaus Naumann talked with the FRY President, Slobodan Milosevic, Head of the FRY General Staff, Momcilo Perisic, and heads of Police, for 12 hours in Belgrade. The meeting discussed technical issues regarding additional withdrawal of military and police forces from Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the security situation in Kosmet. Milosevic emphasized that the measures undertaken by the state so far are a solid basis for peaceful solution of the crisis and for the safety of Kosovo citizens.

A meeting of the SPRS Main Board, held in Banja Luka today, centered on electoral results and the parliamentary position of the SPRS.

Serb refugees from villages in the area of Ozren mountain, which is in the BiH Federation territory now, claim that Muslims and mujahedins have been destroying their houses since the Serb refugees announced that they will return. These refugees, currently residing in Doboj, requested the authorities in Maglaj and Zavidovici, as well as the HR, to move out the mujahedins immediately from the Serb ethnic settlements in south of Ozren mountain.

Chairman of the Steering Board for Implementation of Sarajevo Declaration, Mirza Hajric, requested the Cabinet of the HR to establish a Steering Board for Implementation of Banja Luka Declaration as well, so that these two bodies could cooperate on refugee returns to Sarajevo and Banja Luka.

Presidency of the HDZ of BiH, requested the IC to urge all parties to enable returns of refugees and DPs and rejected threats of the HR, Carlos Westendorp, that he will replace the Croat Member of the BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic, because of the announcement on reviving Herceg-Bosnia.