
OHR SRT News Summary, 25 June 1999



  • Barry, Dodik, Djokic, Radisic, Mihajlovic talks (separate meetings): Stability Pact for Sotheastern Europe and current situation in the RS;
  • The World Bank approved 3 credits worth 134 million dollars to BiH;
  • Pristina – 14 civilians killed in the last 24 hours;

The head of OSCE Mission to BiH, Barry, had separate meetings with RS top officials. The main topics were: local elections, return of refugees and Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe;

Barry-Djokic talks on problems which should be overcome at the forthcoming RS NA session in order to provide validity of laws adopted after the dismissal of RS president. They also talked on common institutions. The item is followed by Djokic’statement where he expresses the hope of overcoming the problems pertaining to the fears of all three peoples in BiH: Serbs are afraid of unification, Muslims and Croats are afraid that Serbs will abandon BiH.

Barry-Dodik talks on forthcoming summit on Stability Pact in Sarajevo. The item is followed by Dodik’s statement on importance of Stability Pact for the RS. The RS is especially interested in economic opportunities provided by the Pact, said Dodik.

Barry-Radisic talks on return of refugees, local elections and Stability Pact; SRT carried Barry’s statement: The Stability Pact is an opportunity which should be used by both entities. This is the document which enables the improvement of the economy in this region. Regarding the return of refugees, Barry stressed that support of officials from both entities should have been much better.

Barry-Mihajlovic talks on difficulties in work of Common institutions. Mihajlovic talked on problems regarding the adoption of CoM agenda for 1999, accusing Silajdzic for the failure.

Dodik – M.Jankovic ( manager of the Company):”Zepter International” will invest in RS economy;

World Bank approved 3 credits worth $134 million to BiH; $50 million will be allocated for privatisation of banks and enterprises, $72 million for public finance structural adjustment and $12 million for export support;


SRT correspondent from Belgrade (Radmila Urosevic) reports on current situation in Kosovo. The report is divided into two parts. The first part pertains to the Kosovo situation and second part deals with political situation in FRY with special emphasis on FRY Assembly session. SRT correspondent carried the news of FRY Army reservists who blocked the roads near Kraljevo (town in Central Serbia) as well as the news on public protest in Uzice (town where opposition always has a majority ever since 1991). Sources used in the report are: “Blic”(Belgrade based paper) and Studio-B.

FRY reactions:

SRT carried the statements of the following political parties:

SRS : The Executive board of SRS accused international troops in Kosovo for being passive and partial to Albanians;

SPO: International troops had made mistake letting Albanians enter Kosovo before KFOR troop deployment was completed. International troops should correct this mistake with vigorous action.

DS: People in Serbia cannot wait for political changes in the country which would enable economic changes. They announced the rally in Cacak where they would demand Milosevic’s resignation.

DSS: Solana’s appeal to Serbs not to leave Kosovo is cynical, said spokesman of DSS; DSS criticised the policy of Robin Cook.

Social-democratic Union (Zarko Korac): Korac says that Serbia has never been closer to democratic changes, and that it is necessary for opposition in Serbia to unify within the Alliance for Change as the core of democratic opposition.

Socialist people party of Montenegro demanded demobilisation of police forces in Montenegro.

SRT carried the CNN news of the FBI forensic team in Djakovica where they found 20 people including small children. – The item is accompanied by CNN footage.

Poplasen, Kisic (Brcko Mayor) talks on situation in Brcko; Commenting on the situation after the 5th of July, Poplasen said that there was a decision made by the RS NA which provides for the rejection of the Brcko Award;

Brcko Supervisor R.Farrand held a press conference in OHR in Brcko. The main topics were corruption and bad running of public enterprises in the RS and BiH Federation and abuse of occupancy rights.

SRS held a press conference in Banja Luka: SRS Parliament members will not participate in the work of NA unless RS NA assumes a firm standpoint regarding the situation in the RS which is in their opinion very unfavorable.