- The re-establishment of the payment operations between RS and FRY the most important topic of today’s meeting Milosevic-Poplasen
- Different reactions to the recommendation of the RS NA for Dodik to be the prime minister designate
- BiH Chairman sent Christmas greetings to the believers of the catholic religion in BiH
- BiH in Europe-solution for this country, the HR to BiH stated
- Russia and Belorussia announced uniting of the two brotherly countries
The RS President Nikola Poplasen was received today by the FRY President Slobodam Milosevic. The meeting underlined the significance of the successful development of the relations and overall cooperation of the RS and FRY. They also discussed the re-establishment of the payment operations, which is to be done as soon as possible.
The RS Government, at today’s regular session, verified decrees on obligatory introduction of checks for citizens and paying off the earnings through checks. After the session was completed, the Minister of Information Rajko Vasic said that one should not cause panic in public and run campaign against this means of payment, reminding that there was money on the giro accounts, but there is no cash.
The BiH Chairman Zivko Radisic and RS PM Milorad Dodik talked today in separate visits with the delegation of the association of the refugees and DPs “Ostanak”. The representatives of the association presented Radisic with the platform that determines the activities of this association related to resolving of numerous problems of DP and refugees. The PM Dodik also received the delegation.
The RS Vice President Mirko Sarovic expressed today his belief that RS President Nikola Polasen will carefully consider all initiatives and recommendations which respect to the real situation and all relevant political factors in the RS, in order to have a Government which would reflect the interests of RS formed. The recommendation to appoint Dodik prime minister designate addressed to the RS President Poplasen, Sarovic assessed as incomplete and unusual.
The SDS Presidency, in today’s press release, denied the misinformation spreaded in public after yesterday’s session of the parliament pertaining to the prime minister designate of the RS Government. The prime minister designate of the RS Government even after yesterday’s session remains Dragan Kalinic, which President Poplasen does not deny in any way.
The acting president of SRS and president of the Executive Board of SRS Mirko Blagojevic stated at the press conference that prime minister designate Dragan Kalinic should return the mandate to the President Poplasen. He stressed that Radicals consider that new prime minister should not be Dodik, whereas some other person from the Coalition “Sloga” would be acceptable.
The head of the SNS caucus Dragutin Rodic stated to SRNA that his party was not satisfied with the session of the Serb Parliament since it did not get detailed information on the activities of the prime minister designate Kalinic on formation of the new government.
Solution for BiH is in Europe, assessed the HR Carlos Westendorp in the … Speaking on the work at the Madrid conference, CW stressed that its quality was the fact that the IC was working, for the first time, together with the BiH representatives on adoption of common conclusions… In order to become a member of the Council of Europe, BiH has to fulfill a minimum of the obligations which mainly boil down to the rule of law and respect of human rights…