
OHR SRT News Summary, 2 March 1999



  • Changes and Amendments to the Law on Intelligence-Security Service Adopted at Continuation of Assembly Session
  • RS Army General HQ Expressed Worries About SFOR Actions in Bijeljina, Samac and Brcko
  • SFOR Command States that Weapons from 111 RS Army Brigade Were Taken to Tuzla Base
  • Terrostis Attacks on Army and Police Continue in Kosmet; Demaci Resigned
  • Madeleine Albright Criticised China Due to Veto in Security Council

The Changes and Amendments to the Law on Intelligence-Security Service were adopted at today’s continuation of the 5th session of the RS NA, with the votes of the “Sloga” Coalition and the Coalition for Single and Democratic BiH, while the SDS, the SRS, the Serb Coalition for the RS and independent deputies voted against adoption of this Law. Deputy PM, Djuradj Banjac, withdrew proposals of 7 laws (measuring units, RS stamps). This was followed by a lively discussion between Dragan Kalinic and PM Dodik. According to the statement of Ostoja Kremenovic, Deputy PM, the essence of this Law is to share the management and responsibility of this Service between the President of the Republic and the Government, in a balanced manner. The Draft Law on Refugees and DPs is being discussed at The SDS Caucus considers that adoption of the Law on Intelligence-Security Service drastically reduces the authority of the RS President. A press release of this Caucus states that the mechanisms of disposal to the RS President, have to be used as soon as possible, in order to defend him from such a policy of Dodik’s Government, the humiliating role the RS NA accepted in relation to that Government, and various external pressures. According to the Head of the SRS Caucus, Lazic, the Law should not have been adopted, and that the process of dispossessing the RS President continues in the spheres of security and defence. Head of the SPRS Caucus, Ilic expressed his regret that there was no consensus on the Law. Ilic publicly criticised RS President and the RS Government for being stubborn on account of the people.

HR to BiH, Carlos Westendorp is satisfied with the results of 5th session of the RS NA so far. After today’s meeting with representatives of the “Sloga” and the Coalition for Single and Democratic BiH, the HR emphasised that they had discussed the functioning of the RS NA.

According to Srna, the HR stated that the decision of the BiH Presidency on the return of 1,000 Serbs and 1,000 Croats to Sarajevo, as well as the return of 1,000 Moslems to Eastern Mostar, and 1,000 Croats to Western Mostar, should be realised by March 15th. Westendorp said that it is the beginning of this year’s programme for return of refugees into minority areas.

Press release of the RS Army states that the RS Army General HQ expresses concern and bitterness about activities of SFOR towards the RS Army during the past few days in the wider region of Bijeljina, Brcko and Samac.

Session of the Brcko Municipal Assembly was discontinued on two occasions during the last two days. International Supervisor for Brcko, Farrand, today addressed a reprimand to the Mayor of Brcko, Reljic due to incorrect chairing of 26th session of the Brcko Municipal Assembly Multiethnic Board. Reljic stated that Farrand received wrong information from Bosniak and Croat Deputy Mayors on yesterday’s session. The Mayor decided to adjourn the session until he consults the highest authorities of the RS.

Commander of NATO in Europe, General Wesley Clark, today called on Head of the RS Army General HQ, General Momir Talic and his associates to cooperate in discovering and investigating all details regarding the smuggled weapons which were discovered in the Brcko area on February 24th.

Kosovo news President of Serbia, Milutinovic and Special US Envoy to FRY, Hill today in Belgrade discussed peaceful solutions of the Kosovo crisis as the only solutions possible, and analysed the Rambouilllet negotiations. Hill was also received by the Deputy PM of FRY, Draskovic, who stated prior to the meeting that he will tell Hill that Serbia will not allow legal violence to be imposed.

The press agencies report that Yugoslavia is accumulating its troops on the border with Macedonia, where heavy fighting is going on, engaging artillery and tanks. The Albanian population left the border villages where fighting is going on. The Pristina media centre informs that the FRY army and police repelled attacks of the so-called OVK in the area south from Kacanik.

Srna reports that Shqiptar terrorists attacked a column of Yugoslav Army at Volujak in the Glina Municipality. Soldiers responded to the attack and the terrorists ran off.

According to Tanjug, Serbian policemen found a body of a dead Kosovo Albanian at the Village of Brestovec, Orahovac Municipality, the investigation of which the Kosovo Verification Mission was informed was ongoing.

A three-day mourning period was announced in Vucitrn, due to murder of two brothers from the Village of Bukos. According to Beta, the brothers were killed by the separatist OVK at the beginning of the last week.

Statements of the Russian Duma and Government of Ukraine, appealing to governments worldwide to contribute to peaceful solution of the Kosovo crisis, were submitted to the FRY Assembly by the Ministry of the FRY Foreign Affairs today.

President of the SPO, Draskovic stated that the FRY cannot accept a political agreement which does not guarantee complete sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and Yugoslavia.

Democratic Party from Yugoslavia assessed that escalation of conflict in Kosovo is the most serious blow to the peace process since discontinuation of negotiations in Rambouillet and that the so-called OVK is responsible for that.

New Democracy assessed in Belgrade that the FRY and Serbia should accept assistance from the IC for Kosovo, in the form of presence of UN forces.

Political representative of the separatist OVK, Adem Demaci resigned from the position, in Pristina today. According to Beta, he said he does not want to be subject to divisions in the so-called OVK.

Spokesman of the separatist OVK, Jakub Krasnici, stated in Pristina today that this organisation will sign a provisional peace agreement for Kosovo, but only if NATO secures its implementation.

The so-called HQ of the separatist OVK decided that the Head of the Kosovo delegations in the Rambouillet negotiations, Hasib Taci, PM Nominee for the Provisional Kosovo Government

US Senator, Bob Dole, accepted a mission for the Balkans, in which he will try to convince the Serbs and the Albanians to accept a Provisional Agreement on Kosovo.

British Minister of Defence, George Robertson warned the FRY President, Milosevic that NATO, if Serb forces make mass movements on Kosovo, will attack fast and decisively.