
OHR SRT News Summary, 18 July 1999



  • Svetozar Mihajlovic: The only solution for the pensioners is to direct money from the excise to the fund of pensioners’ insurance fund;
  • KOSOVO ­ 11 people killed in the last 24 hours;
  • German Minister of Defence said that he did not want to take over the duty of the NATO General Secretary;

Svetozar Mihajlovic, the Head of RS Pensioners and Invalids Insurance (PIO) said that the solution for the regular payment of pensions in the RS was not in increasing the rate, but in redirection of money from the excise to the pensioners’ insurance fund. Mihajlovic added that the RS Government was not prepared to accept this proposal because there was no realistic possibility for the implementation of this law. PIO requested the RS Government to proceed with amendments to the law on pensioners’ and invalids’ insurance, which would enable a rise in pensions on three bases: qualifications (15%), working experience (0,5% for each year- which means a growth of 16 %) and harmonisation of pensions with average salaries in the RS, according to which the average pension would be 60% of average salary.

Members of the Commission for Tracing missing persons and the RS Experts Team identified 30 out of 50 exhumed bodies ( 11 VRS soldiers and 39 Serb civilians) in Srpsko Sarajevo. The bodies were found at three locations: Vares, Gorazde and Sarajevo region.

Jacques Klein appointed as successor to Elizabeth Rehn as UN Secretary General Special Representative.

SRT carried the quotations from Klein’s interview given to ONASA on the progress that had been made so far in the BiH, corruption, judiciary system, customs service, forthcoming Summit of the Stability Pact, negative impact of the Belgrade regime on BiH politics and the removing of the Milosevic from the political scene.


SRT carried news on 11 people killed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, KLA killing Serbs in Kosovo, Albanians expelling Serbs from their own apartments and burning down Serb houses throughout Kosovo, return of Albanians refugees to Kosovo.

SRT correspondent from Belgrade (Radmila Urosevic) reports on a meeting of Yugoslav Dep.PM, Nikola Sainovic with Serb representatives ( SPS officials) from Kosovo and 11 members of the Serbian Government on the functioning of the state authorities in the province, protests of citizens and FRY Army reservist throughout Serbia. SRT also carried the statements of Milo Djukanovic, DS and the Christian Democratic Coalition).

Ante Jelavic sharply criticised the fact that the Croats were not represented in HR’s interview last week to the joint program of RTV BiH and SRT.

Members of the House of Peoples will discuss the issues pertaining to the forthcoming Summit of the Stability Pact and laws on privatisation of banks and enterprises.

The Head of the Sub-Board for the Media, Mirza Hajric appointed only Bosniaks as the members of the Sub-Board. SRNA reports that there are nor Croats neither Serbs in the press centre.