
OHR SRT News Summary, 18 August 1998


Political leaders promised once again a fair pre-election campaign Hunger strike of the detainees in The Hague Tribunal In Kosmet, negotiations replaced fights Floating rate of ruble caused a shake in the world stock markets The conduct of a fair and democratic pre-election campaign was the topic of conversation of representatives of the parliamentary parties with the RS President Biljana Plavsic, Prime Minister Dodik and the NA Speaker Petar Djokic. The joint attitude of all participants of the meeting is that an atmosphere for the conduct of a free and democratic political campaign as a pre-condition for correct and fair elections has to be created in the RS.

RS President Biljana Plavsic visited the resort of Mljecanica, centrd for physiotherapy, rehabilitation and spa tourism.

The RS NA Speaker, Petar Djokic, received the head of the ECMM political department in Sarajevo, Camille Dureau. Dureau was interested in the situation in the RS after the murder of the Deputy Head of the Srpsko Sarajevo Public Security Centre, Srdjan Knezevic.

Eight prisoners in the Hague Tribunal, amongst whom there are also some Serbs, went on hunger strike this morning because they have been, as they say, transferred suddenly and without warning to the civil prison containing delinquents and drug addicts.

Minister for Civil Affairs and Communications in the BiH CoM, Spasoje Albijanic, talked with the U.S Ambassador to BiH, Richard Kauslarich. The meeting discussed for the most part the Law on telecommunications that will be presented at the next session of the BiH parliamentary assembly.

The Steering board of the news agency SRNA decided at a session held in Banja Luka that the Agency should continue with work that had been stopped by the decision of the Minister for Information Rajko Vasic on August 13, 1998. According to Stanko Stanic, the president of the Steering board, there were objections, i.e. some failures in the work, but they were not of such a nature, according to the SRNA Steering board, to encroach more deeply on the defined and accepted editorial policy. Therefore, there are no reasons for SRNA to stop working.


  • SNS – meeting in Novi Grad held last night, attended by the president of the party Biljana Plavsic
  • SNSD – public meeting dubbed “Future in Srpska” in Srpska Kostajnica and Kozarska Dubica attended by the president of the party Milorad Dosdik
  • SNSD – press conference in Banja Luka, attended by Krstan Simic, member of the main board
  • SPO RS – press conference in Trebinje
  • KCDBiH – press conference in Banja Luka attended by ten candidates of the Coalition