
OHR SRT News Summary, 16 November 1998



  • President Poplasen visits the municipalities in the eastern part of the RS
  • The Hague Tribunal sentences the perpetrators of crimes against the Serbs in the Celebici camp
  • The trade of goods between the RS and the FRY continues
  • Opposing attitudes of the Ministry of Education and the Trade Union over the teachers’ strike
  • Twentieth anniversary of the University School of Medicine celebrated in Banja Luka

The President of the RS Nikola Poplasen started tonight his three-day visit to the municipalities in the eastern part of the RS.

The political parties comment on the Poplasen’s decision to appoint Dragan Kalinic the PM designate: the Serb Coalition for the RS finds this an act of European democracy because the mandate was offered to the party with the largest number of seats in the RS NA and the KCDBiH stated they would not support Kalinic’s candidacy.

The deputy president of SDS Dragan Cavic stated at today’s press conference in Banja Luka that the PM designate Dragan Kalinic will try to form the Government of the Serb parliamentary parties, and repeated the offer to the “Sloga” Coalition for the forming of the Government in accordance with the election results.

The Hague Tribunal sentenced three and acquitted one member of the BiH Government forces for the crimes against the Serbs in the Celebici prison camp in 1992.

Supervisor for Brcko Robert Farrand appointed two new department heads in the multiethnic administration, after the Municipal Assembly of Brcko failed to elect them at their last session on November 13.The multiethnic systematization of posts for the new structure of the municipal authorities is expected to be finished by November 23.

The decision on changing the parity of KM to dinar causes different opinions but the two-way traffic of goods between the RS and the FRY still continues.

The teachers’ strike continues.

Kosovo-related news

The Principal DHR Jacques Paul Klein strongly condemns the decision by the Federation authorities not to send a delegation to Zagreb to sign the agreement on special relations with Croatia, and warns of possible consequences.