- Session of the RS National Assembly enters its second day
- Plavsic meets with Gelbard and Holbrooke
- Criminal charges brought against the former Prime Minister, Gojko Klickovic
- Milosevic and Rugova to meet Friday, 15 May
The fifth session of the RS National Assembly (NA) resumed in Banja Luka today. The RS Prime Minister submitted a report on the work of the RS Government in the past 100 days, after which a discussion was opened amongst MPs. “What we are not satisfied with is what we have done so far to curb crime, as it took time to make the responsible institutions start functioning again”. Addressing the MPs present, Dodik stressed the possibility shortly of a permanent solution to the issue of refugees and DPs. On the Brcko issue, Dodik expressed the hope that the final decision on the matter would be to the benefit of the RS. The Prime Minister went on to stress that the greatest progress made by the RS Government had been seen in foreign policy, where a number of contracts had been signed with international donors providing funds for different investments and reparation of war damage. During the subsequent discussion, much criticism was voiced by the SDS, particularly on the Brcko arbitration issue, who also claimed there had been an unequal distribution of resources between Eastern and Western parts of the RS.
(Live report from the session) The discussion on the Prime Minister’s report is still ongoing. The RS Minister of Justice, Petko Cancar, stressed that the Government had not been able to include all necessary elements in the report for safety reasons. The RS Minister of Interior, Stankovic, informed the session that criminal charges had been brought against the former RS Prime Minister, Gojko Klickovic. During the third item on the agenda, the session will be discussing the work of RS representatives in common institutions, and, as a separate item, the elections scheduled for 12/13 September. At the request of the Government, the session will also hold an urgent discussion on the Law on Intelligence and Security Service, and the Law on amendments and supplements to the Law on Forests. A decision was made to determine the seat of the RS NA.
President Plavsic, Prime Minister Dodik and two American Envoys for the Balkans, Gelbard and Holbrooke, today held a joint press conference in Banja Luka on the current political situation in the RS and the region. According to Plavsic, the meeting with the two envoys focused on reconstruction support for the RS and the forthcoming elections. Holbrooke stated that the meetings today had proved that good cooperation was in the interests of all sides. According to Gelbard, this year’s donors conference was much different than the one last year. Gelbard went on to stress that those who did not wish to implement the DA would be punished. Speaking about the Kosovo issue, Holbrooke announced that President Milosevic was going to meet Ibrahim Rugova this Friday. “Possible sanctions against the FRY could negatively reflect in the RS”, Plavsic stressed.
Plavsic met with the Greek Ambassador in BH. On economic cooperation between the two countries, Mr. Mantzouranis stressed that the Greek Government, at the recent donor conference, pledged to provide U.S. $ 8 million for BH.
After meeting with the two American envoys in Banja Luka today, Momcilo Krajisnik stated that the meetings discussed the forthcoming elections in BH, and ways to avoid possible irregularities.
The RS Ministry of Interior today stated that criminal charges had been brought against the former RS Prime Minister, Gojko Klickovic, on the misuse of his official position, and damage worth 41 million dinar done to the RS budget.
Russian President Yeltsin and American President Clinton today had a phone conversation to consider possible ways to defuse tensions in Kosovo, and reach a settlement on the issue.
The NATO Council today started a discussion on possible intervention in the area of Kosovo in the event of the crisis there threatening to endanger neighbouring countries.
The BH COM today cleared appointments of top-level officials within the BH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations.