
OHR SRT News Summary, 13 August 1998



  • The RS Government appraises political and security situation in the RS as worse
  • President Plavsic and Prime Minister Dodik visited Topola
  • The BiH Presidency and Standing Military Committee sessions
  • Funding for RS pensioners in the FRY paid in.
  • SRT information centre opened in Brcko

An RS Government session took place in Banja Luka today. The greatest attention was paid to the political and security situation in the RS. The RS Government supports the statement made by the Minister of Interior, Milovan Stankovic, regarding the Krajisnik case and activities to obtain relevant information and clues that lead to the perpetrators.

The RS President, Biljana Plavsic, and Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, visited the Agricultural Cooperative “Mladen Stojanovic” in Topola today. The Prime Minister emphasised that the RS has a chance in agriculture and that one of the future phases of development of the AC “Mladen Stojanovic” is in wider co-operation with villages.

The RS NA Spokesperson, Petar Djokic, scheduled consultations for tomorrow with Heads of Caucuses. Consultations were scheduled at the SDS and SRS initiative.

Sessions of the BiH Presidency and Standing Military Committee took place today in Sarajevo. At the BiH Presidency session the greatest attention was paid to the formation of the Ministry for European Integration. At the Standing Military Committee session Ministers of Defence from both entities reported on activities of both armies between two sessions.

Members of the Council of Ministers have agreed today to adopt, urgently, the Law on Telecommunications at the BiH level. After that they talked about customs relief when importing goods meant for reconstruction.

Regarding today’s session of the RS Government, Momcilo Krajisnik has issued a statement. In respect to today’s Government session and the support given to the Ministry of Interior statement, in which the character of Momcilo Krajisnik is attacked in a biased manner, we warn the RS public that this is another calculated provocation aimed to raise tensions in Serb people.

SRNA stopped news broadcasting today at around 16:00 hours. The SRNA Expanded Editorial Board has discussed the decision of the Minister of Information to stop the work of SRNA until its Steering Board session. They expressed their surprise at this decision and their opinion that SRNA should continue to work until the Steering Board session.

Regarding news issued by BETA agency that Ministers of Education from both entities had met in Neum in order to participate in the work of the expert team which on working on curricula for schools, the RS Ministry of Education denied such information.

Ministry of Finance has paid funds to RS pensioners in the FRY for compensation for October, November and December of 1997 and regular payments for January and June of 1998.

Minister of Refugees, Miladin Dragicevic, stated that no one would be evicted until provided with suitable accommodation.


  • SDS Main Board statement
  • SPRS tribune in Trebinje attended by Zivko Radisic, Petar Djokic and Minister Gligoric
  • Social-Liberal party- press conference attended by Nebojsa Karalic and Miodrag Zivanovic
  • Party for Yugoslavia- press conference
  • Milosava Jakovljevic- independent candidate- press conference
  • SSKiP Vice president, Aleksandar Iliskovic- press release