
OHR SRT News Summary, 1 February 1999



  • RS NA Speaker Petar Djokic scheduled a consultative meeting with the representatives of the parliamentary parties on Wednesday, February 3
  • Wood processors from Kozarska Dubica and Podgradci signed business contracts worth DM 6 millions with the International Financial Corporation
  • Ahead of the announced negotiations on Kosovo – the accelerated seeking for the solution by the means of diplomacy
  • The Prosecutor’s Office in Zagreb gave up further criminal prosecution of Nada Sakic, the Croatian media reported

The RS Government delegation left today for The Hague Tribunal to visit 12 arrested Serbs from RS who are currently there. The delegation, among others, consists of the Minister of Justice Milan Trbojevic, Minister of Internal Affairs Sredoje Novic and Minister of Health Zeljko Rodic.

The RS NA Speaker Petar Djokic scheduled a meeting with the representatives of the parliamentary parties on Wednesday at 12:00 hrs in Banja Luka. The subject of the meeting will be the agreement on the 5th session and the agenda in accordance with the Book of Rules on the work of the NA.

The RS President Nikola Poplasen will announce the name of the third prime minister designate for the composition of the Government on Thursday, February 4, after the meeting with the RS Senators in Bijeljina, Beta reports.

As far as the Coalition “Sloga” is concerned, Dodik remains its only proposal and, at this moment, there is no agreement on some other proposal for the prime minister designate, the spokesperson for SPRS Igor Radojicic stated to SRNA.

The RS NA Speaker Petar Djokic stated for the RTS Evening News that the RS had given guarantees last year and proved that it could secure a peaceful life to all citizens of Brcko as well as that this town can remain in the composition of the RS. (the footage of the statement broadcast)

The Brcko mayor Borko Reljic supports the proposal of the RS Government that the final arbitration award for Brcko is made this year. According to the Government proposal, the town would remain within the RS with the 5-year international supervision and the possibility of prolonging the supervision for another 5 years.

The Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic repeated in last night’s interview with the Tuzla-Podrinje Canton television that he would personally testify before the Arbitration Tribunal in Vienna and resign if Brcko was awarded to the RS.

Kosovo-related news

  • The NATO Secretary General Javier Solana considers he now has all rights to order, without any consultations, the military intervention in Kosovo, if the negotiations scheduled for this week in France, do not bring positive results, Reuters reports
  • In Kosmet, conflicts continue today
  • Due to the current situation, the Government of Serbia asked for the extraordinary session of the Serbian Parliament, which was scheduled by the NA Speaker Dragan Tomic on Thursday, February 4


The PIC to BiH Steering Board, which is in session today and tomorrow in Brussels, is due to consider the OHR request to be given DM 70 millions of aid for this year, which is almost three times more than the resources received in the last year. According to what the spokesperson for OHR Alexandra Stiglemayer stated to SRNA, the biggest part of that money would be intended for financing of the return of approximately 120,000 refugees who expressed the wish to return to the place where they used to be minority, and the resources would be provided by donors.

There are leaflets posted in Doboj strongly criticizing the role of the international forces in BiH and carrying a message to Serbs and Croats that the SFOR, as stated by SRNA, has started killing people. Last week, a leaflet with the similar contents was seen in public places in the Croatian part of Mostar and some other municipalities in Federation.