
OHR SRT News Summary, 1 April 1999



  • NATO destroyed the Petrovaradin bridge
  • Three NATO soldiers captured
  • FRY President Milosevic received in Belgrade in separate visits Ibrahim Rugova and delegation of Vatican
  • Clinton rejected the possibility of stopping the bombing during the Easter holidays and sending ground troops to Kosovo
  • Radisic sent a letter to the UN Security Council and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

The 53-year old Petrovaradin bridge was destroyed this morning at 5 a.m. by the NATO bombers. One more bridge was a target of the NATO aviation today, the bridge on the river Danube, near Baska. Reports on the places bombed (Pristina, Gracanica, Pec, Djakovica, Gnjilane, Srbica ).

The FRY President Milosevic received in Belgrade today the leader of the Kosovo Albanians Ibrahim Rugova. The talks pertained to the problems in Kosmet. Milosevic and Rugova agreed that solving the problems successfully and on a long-term basis is possible only through political means, Tanjug reports.

Delegations of the Russian Duma and that of Vatican were in Belgrade today.

A heavily damaged NATO forces airplane F117, which was hit in the FRY air space, landed this morning with great difficulties at the Zagreb airport “Pleso.” The information of the RTS specifies that the NATO aircraft was hit last night by the defense forces of the FRY army. Zagreb has not confirmed this information.

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Sergejev announced yesterday that Moscow, due to the attack on the FRY, would send a reconnaissance ship from the Black Sea fleet to the Mediterranean and that soon another 6 ships could be sent to that region.

The Information Service of the Pristina Corps informed that two American non-commissioned officers and one soldier were captured yesterday, March 31, on the FRY territory, the RTS broadcast this morning.

Three American soldiers are missing, Pentagon stated.

The FRY Ambassador to Macedonia Zoran Janackovic stressed today that three NATO soldiers were captured on the territory of the FRY and not in Macedoinia, as claimed by some media, SRNA reports.

The Vice President of the FRY Government Vuk Draskovic addressed today, through ABC network, the American public regarding the captured soldiers, assuring their families that they do not have reasons to be concerned.

Press conferences of the NATO representatives (Javier Solana and Wesley Clark)

BiH Presidency Chairman Zivko Radisic, who put moratorium on his functions, addressed the UN Security Council and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan with a letter. (letter read)

Clinton rejected the possibility of sending American soldiers to Kosmet due to the possibility, as he said, that we may be brought into a situation where we may not be able to get them out of there. Clinton also said that he would not be able to meet the request of the Pope John Paul II to stop the bombing during the Easter holidays, Beta reports.

Separatist KLA made a decision on the general mobilization, Tirana-based TV station broadcast.

Protests against the NATO aggression held in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Macedonia, Athens, Toronto, Bratislava, Perth Demonstrations of Shquiptars, who were asking for ground troops to intervene in Kosovo, were held in several cities of the USA today.

Close to 100 carrier pigeons flew today from the Trg Krajine in Banja Luka for the so-called peace flight carrying messages destined for Yugoslavia.

Protests against NATO aggression held in Lopare, Bilece, Sokolac.

Regarding the non-realized help sent by the RS Government and ban by the FRY border authorities on entrance of the convoy, the RS Government issued a press release (press release read)

International organization press conferences held in Sarajevo.

The deadline for submission of the claims for repossession of the socially owned apartments in FBiH is most likely to be prolonged after April 4, DHR Simon Haselock stated.