News Headlines
- RS National Assembly holds extraordinary session
- RS Defense Minister Milovanovic rejects plan to establish joint unit for participation in UN peacekeeping missions
- OHR announcement
- Petritsch meets with anti-corruption team in Sarajevo
- BiH House of Peoples adopts 1999 work agenda and Law on Immigration and Asylum
- BiH House of Peoples adopts Law on Refugees and DPs
- BiH Council of Ministers agrees to remain in permanent session in order to conclude all business by end of year
- Roundtable ‘Montenegro and its Political and Ethnic Environment’ held in Budva
- RS Refugee Minister Dragicevic meets with Macedonian Minister for Immigration Trenevski
- BiH State Border Commission meets with Serb Kostajnica authorities
- Brcko District Statute to be unveiled on 7 December – Farrand
- IPTF objects to operations in Tunjice Prison – IPTF spokesperson Roberts
- Draft BiH Election Law in complete conformity with BiH Constitution – Chairman of Election Law Working Group Francois Froment-Meurice
- Dismissal of 22 officials in BiH step backward in overall relations in BiH – Jelavic
- 69 policemen in Una-Sana Canton using other people’s property – ONASA
- OHR meets with Bugojno authorities to discuss schooling of Croat returnees
- 50 Bosniak families returned to villages in Glamoc region this year – ONASA
- Two persons killed in Kosovo – KFOR
- Tractor driver killed after driving over mine in Ljumbarda
- Albanian injured in car accident with KFOR, dies in US hospital – KFOR
- KFOR finds unidentified body near Pristina
- KFOR confiscates weapons in Malopoljce, Kosovo
- Armed Albanians kills Mladjen Maritasevic and Nebojsa Pavlovic near Orahovac, Kosovo
- Albanians attack four buses on Podujevo-Pristina route – Tanjug
- NATO leads premeditated policy of separating Kosovo from Yugoslavia – Russian General Ivashov
- UN Mission in Kosovo rejects Moscow allegations that it is ignoring Albanian attacks on non-Albanian population – BETA
- US criticizes Yugoslav Government for detaining fuel trucks for Nis and Pirot at Presevo border crossing
- EU decides to return fuel trucks from Presevo to Skopje
- Two fuel trucks arrive in Cacak from RS
- World News
- No need for referendum in RS for citizens to state position on New York Declaration – SNDS Executive Board President Mitrovic
- Banja Luka Architecture Faculty marks fourth anniversary
- 3 December is International Disabled Persons Day
- European Peoples Party and European Democratic Party hold meeting with parties in Banja Luka on ways of strengthening relations in region, held without media presence
- 68 cases of illegal use of flats registered in Brcko – Farrand
- Belgrade office for elections finishes process of voter registration for BiH elections
- SPO accuses head of State Security of orchestrating assassination attempt on Draskovic
- Yugoslav Interior Ministry arrests three KFOR soldiers in Serbia near border with Kosovo – BETA
- Serb killed in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on 14 November – Tanjug
- UN announces greater protection of Serbs in Kosovo – BETA
- Kouchner to visit Tirana
- Russian deployment in Orahovac takes time – Reinhardt
- Sad that certain politicians underestimate IC efforts in Kosovo – Robertson
- Balkan countries can become EU members in 15 years at best – Bildt
- Sports
- Weather
News Summary
RS National Assembly holds extraordinary session
The RS National Assembly concluded that they have been informed of the participation of RS officials at the roundtable in Dayton and the New York Declaration. Assembly members disagreed with Declaration conclusions regarding the common border police, common passports and the participation of a joint BiH army unit in UN peacekeeping missions. They requested that the conclusions be harmonized with the de facto provisions of the Dayton Agreement, especially the draft BiH border service law. The RS National Assembly has obliged itself to prepare objections on the draft border service law and file them with RS representatives in BiH Parliament. They also requested that all RS and BiH institutions, as well as international organizations, contribute to the realization of the Dayton Agreement through the constitutional and legislative institutions in the RS and BiH. They requested that the RS and BiH constitutional and legislative institutions and RS representatives in BiH common institutions establish full cooperation with the RS National Assembly. During a discussion on issues regarded as highly destructive to the RS’s vital interests, assembly members concluded that BiH common institutions must use protective mechanisms as they are defined by the BiH Constitution. They support BiH entrance to European integration and inter-entity military cooperation, which represents a guarantee for peace in BiH. The RS National Assembly said it believes that it was impossible for BiH to participate in UN peacekeeping missions at the present moment. The Assembly rejected a request from the CD Coalition to support the implementation of the Dayton Agreement as it is defined by the New York Declaration. Assembly members also did not adopt an SRS request to totally reject the New York Declaration or the RS National Assembly conclusions of 7 March.
OHR announcement
Following a Thursday press conference, the OHR wanted to further explain the New York Declaration. According to an official OHR announcement, it was true that BiH Presidency members did not sign the Declaration. However, the OHR added that it would not be honest to say that the non-signing of the Declaration has undermined its value in any way. The BiH Presidency officially submitted the New York Declaration to the UN Security Council. It was a collective obligation that the Presidency took of its own free will. The BiH Government distributed the Declaration as a UN document.