
OHR Federation Forum, 30 October 1997


Federation Forum


On 30 October 1997, Federation President Vladimir Soljic, Vice President Ejup Ganic and other Federation officials together with members of the international community, met in Travnik to discuss Central Bosnia issues and other Federation topics. The meeting was co-chaired by US Ambassador Richard Kauzlarich and OHR Head of Political Department Christian Clages. The following points were agreed upon:
  1. Participants welcomed the Third Federation Meeting on the Central Bosnia Canton of 14 October 1997 and further progress regarding return of refugees and displaced persons to Central Bosnia, although more work remains to be done in this area.
  2. Participants commend the Canton authorities for the establishment of the joint restructured Canton police and committed themselves to ensure that any remaining obstacle to its functioning will be immediately removed.
  3. Participants urged that all Cantonal and Municipal authorities implement the results of elections and install appropriate officials, with full respect to the Rome Agreement and other applicable laws.
  4. Participants expressed their grave concern over the latest murder incident in Travnik, which has inspired fear among returning Croats concerning their safety and the ability of Federation authorities to provide them with a secure environment. They agreed that the recent series of violent incidents directed against all citizens of the Federation aimed at prevent the return of Croats and undermining the functioning of the Federation cannot be tolerated. Participants noted the importance of the thorough and impartial investigation into all of these incidents, and emphasized that there must be no political interference in the course of police investigations. Participants expressed their readiness to discuss with the IPTF additional measures to combat violence, crime and acts of terrorism in the Federation.
  5. Because an extraordinary session of the Federation Parliament prevented the attendance of Federation ministers and other officials, participants agreed to resume the Federation Forum to discuss Privatization and Property Legislation, and convene two working groups on the issues of Property and Privatization Legislation composed of government officials and international experts to properly prepare the Forum to be resumed next week in Sarajevo.