
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 9 September 1999


News Headlines

  • Wilcox denies mortar attack on village in Gacko Municipality
  • HN Canton delegation visits village of Kula Fazlagica
  • Capture of Radovan Karadzic is priority – Petritsch
  • Establishment of multiethnic police forces in Brcko district is necessary for implementation of arbitration decision – Farrand
  • Strong explosion in downtown Moscow
  • World news
  • Negotiations between Sloga and CD Coalitions over restructuring of RS Government to resume next Thursday
  • There is no law saying that refugees must be kicked out on street – Izetbegovic
  • No one from IC reacts to shelling of Fazlagica Kula, but all react to Izetbegovic statement – Hajric
  • BiH Presidency must support rule-of-law – Jelavic’s cabinet
  • HSS BiH appreciates Izetbegovic’s concern for refugees, but says institutions must obey law
  • Association of War Invalids and Veterans support Izetbegovic initiative
  • Association of Refugees and Victims of War and CD Coalition caucus in Pale Municipal Assembly demand all evictions be stopped
  • Izetbegovic statement might encourage ultra-nationalists to oppose refugee return – Serb Civic Council
  • HN Canton Governor Hamo Maslesa condemns shelling of Fazlagica Kula
  • OHR should dismiss Head of Gacko Municipality and Chief of Police to prevent incidents like that in Fazlagica Kula – BOSS
  • BiH Council of Ministers adopts set of laws on economy
  • Uncertain situation of supplying BiH with natural gas from Russia
  • Venice Film Festival opens
  • Wave of weddings in Germany
  • Sports
  • Weather

News Summary

HN Canton delegation visits village of Kula Fazlagica

After Tuesday’s attack of six mortar shells on the village of Fazlagica Kula in Gacko Municipality, an HN Canton delegation visited the site of the incident, where SFOR, IPTF and the RS police performed an investigation. Bosniak returnees to Fazlagica Kula are still determined to remain in their homes, but expressed their surprise with the intensity of the attack, although they were expecting some kind of provocation. SFOR extended its presence in the region and announced the establishment of a station in the village.


Capture of Radovan Karadzic is priority – Petritsch

“The capture of indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic will be one of the priorities for the upcoming period in BiH” High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch stated in Brussels on Thursday. “Refugees are returning, but the pace of this process is slow” he stated, adding that it is necessary to determine which areas in BiH are critical. Furthermore, it is necessary to continue reforms of the economy, judiciary and fight against corruption and to promote the idea of a common BiH army.


There is no law saying that refugees must be kicked out on street – Izetbegovic

Speaking at an SDA press conference in Tesanj on Thursday, SDA President Alija Izetbegovic commented on the reactions to his statement regarding the eviction of a refugee from Pale, Sulejman Dugajlija, and the press release from the office of the BiH Ombudsman. Izetbegovic stressed that there is no law demanding such an eviction, because it would be against the Dayton Agreement. “I want them to read me the law that says a refugee wanting to return to his home can be kicked out on the street” Izetbegovic stated, adding that he would first have to be evicted from the BiH Presidency before such refugees are evicted. He stressed that even the SDA declaration says that the SDA will respect justice, not laws. “Let the gentlemen from SFOR and the OHR do this, our men must not do this” Izetbegovic stated, adding that it depends on the individual whether he has the courage to put moral laws above some written law, in the case that such laws are ever adopted.


No one from IC reacts to shelling of Fazlagica Kula, but all react to Izetbegovic statement – Hajric

Advisor to BiH Presidency Member Alija Izetbegovic Mirza Hajric appeared as a guest of the TV BiH newscast in order to comment on the reactions to Izetbegovic’s statement regarding the eviction of Sulejman Dugajlija. Hajric expressed his regret that none of the International Community representatives reacted to the attack on returnees in the village of Fazlagica Kula, outside of Gacko, but all of them commented on Mr. Izetbegovic’s statement, “from their comfortable offices” which Hajric finds hypocritical and worth mentioning. In answer to the TV BiH journalist’s question of whether this refers to the OHR, Hajric stated that the OHR has much more responsibility in this case than it would like to present. “The case of Sulejman Dugajlija exists because he was evicted into a collective camp in Sarajevo, instead of his house in Pale, which was a defeat of the OHR” Hajric stated. Commenting on the reaction of BiH Ombudsman Greta Haller, Hajric stated that Mrs. Haller presented only one side of the story, that regarding the human rights of returnee to Sarajevo Vladimir Prelic, but said nothing about the human rights of Mr. Dugajlija. Mrs. Haller failed to react to Brcko Supervisor Robert Farrand’s decision to place a moratorium on the eviction of refugees in Brcko, which violates the human rights of the Bosniak citizens of Brcko. She also failed to react when an OHR representative signed a document that forbids the eviction of Serbs from Bosniak houses in a village outside of Zvornik over the next 18 months. “I think that Mrs. Haller is not in a position to lecture anyone about morality” Hajric concluded.
