
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 3 October 1999


News Headlines

  • 280 Bosniak families return to villages in Zvornik Municipality
  • Start of refugee return process to Celinac Municipality
  • Exhumation of mass graves in Prijedor, Kljuc and Bosanski Novi concludes
  • Problems in realization of two-way return to Livno and Bugojno
  • Alternative BiH Council of Ministers demands establishment of independent commission for investigating corruption
  • International Community faces resistance in implementation of Dayton Agreement in BiH – Circle 99
  • Tempo Agency files complaint to IMC against magazine Dani
  • International Youth Conference ‘Youth and the Future’ held in Lipnica, near Tuzla
  • SPO President Vuk Draskovic seriously injured in car accident
  • World news
  • Germany marks 9th anniversary of unification
  • ‘Bar-Sar’ project introduced during manifestation ‘Days of Barcelona in Sarajevo’
  • Presentation of project to reconstruct Sarajevo Zoo Pioneer Valley
  • Pollution in Una River increasing
  • Solar eclipse causes apple trees to bear fruit again in Sarajevo
  • Sports
  • Weather

News Summary

280 Bosniak families return to villages in Zvornik Municipality

280 Bosniak families have returned to three villages in Zvornik Municipality, Snagovo, Glumina and Gustare. All of the returns were the product of refugees’ motivation, because they received insignificant material aid from humanitarian agencies and the UNHCR. “It is shameful that none of the governmental or humanitarian organizations or any international representatives visited these returnees, which shows that we are nothing but test rabbits” Tuzla-Podrinje Canton Agency for Return Director Fadil Banjanovic stated in the village of Snagovo on Sunday. The example of the villages in Zvornik Municipality raises the issue of the nature of Annex 7. Is Annex 7 nothing more than a manipulation and argument for collecting political points to justify the existence of more than a thousand humanitarian agencies, whose officials care more about everything else than refugee return.


Problems in realization of two-way return to Livno and Bugojno

The agreement on two-way returns signed by the heads of Bugojno and Livno Municipalities in May is not being implemented as dynamically as desired. The main problem is the unwillingness of Croat refugees, living in Bosniak houses in Livno, to return to their reconstructed homes in Bugojno. Livno Municipality authorities have been given a list of 39 Croat houses that have been reconstructed and are suitable for return.


Tempo Agency files complaint to IMC against magazine Dani

Tempo Marketing Agency, the promoter of a BiH tour of the Belgrade band ‘Bajaga i Instruktori’ and the Konjic band ‘Drugo Stanje’, filed a complaint with the IMC against Dani magazine for provoking national hatred. In the last issue of Dani, Editor-in-Chief Senad Pecanin assessed that the ‘Concert for a Culture of Peace’ was a “high risk” event, reads a press release issued by the Tempo Agency on Sunday.
