
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 27 November 2000

TV BiH News Headlines:

  • OSCE announces final official results of elections in BiH at press conference in Sarajevo on Monday
  • OSCE Head of Mission to BiH Robert Barry stresses importance of quick implementation of election results in BiH
  • IC considering idea of introducing protectorate in BiH – Washington Post quotes UN’s Jacques Klein (02:47)
  • Florida State Election Canvassing Commission announces George Bush’s victory in US presidential elections in Florida
  • Yugoslavia officially admitted to OSCE
  • RS Healthcare Workers Syndicate starts general strike due to RS Government’s failure to fulfil demands sides agreed to earlier
  • BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications sign agreement on development of BiH Transport Master Plan with Japanese Agency for International Development
  • Seventeen companies in Tuzla Canton ready for privatisation through tenders
  • Islamic holy month of Ramadan starts on Monday and will be celebrated by Muslims around world
  • TV BiH to broadcast its interview with Head of BiH Islamic Community (IZ) Mustafa effendi Ceric on Monday evening
  • First snowfall this year ‘catches drivers by surprise’ on Mount Vlasic early on Monday
  • Sports
  • Weather

TV BiH News Summary:

IC considering idea of introducing protectorate in BiH – Washington Post quotes UN’s Jacques Klein (02:47)

The IC is tired of BiH and will probably significantly reduce its financial assistance for BiH reconstruction, as well as the number of SFOR troops deployed in this country, the Washington Post commented in a recent article on corruption in BiH. The daily cites UN Special Representative to BiH Jacques Paul Klein, who said, “the IC is considering whether to introduce a protectorate in BiH or leave it on a hot stove. “Many reporters come to BiH without knowing the situation so that the result of their articles are partly fact and partly speculation” he stated in an interview for TV BiH commenting on the Washington Post article. “If we want to have a full picture of the situation in BiH, we must see where BiH was in 1995. The fact is that, until last year, the regimes in Zagreb and Belgrade did everything in their power to undermine the IC’s efforts in BiH” Klein assessed. What BiH needs the most right now is new leadership that will look to the future and leave past behind. The IC should use a ‘strong hand’ in BiH, Klein stated, adding he will personally be much more resolute in resolving problems in BiH because he cares for the people of BiH, and not about their leadership.