
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 19 Oct. 1997

19 October 97, 19:30

The media featured a report on new political developments in the Serb entity. The report underlined that the SDS had agreed to take part in the parliamentary elections in the RS scheduled for 23 November. SRNA agency was quoted as informing that Momcilo Krajisnik was elected to the SDS six-member presidency instead of Aleksa Buha. The SDS leadership had been seriously undermined by an internal rift between Krajisnik and Buha, maintained the report.

Momcilo Krajisnik, member of the BH Presidency, requested urgent resolution of the problem of TV Pale, said the report. In a letter to the international community and RS President Biljana Plavsic, he pointed out to the need for open dialogue between representatives of Serb television and the international community in order to enable free access to the media to all political parties on the eve of elections. Krajisnik was reported to have asked President Plavsic to honour the Belgrade Agreement under which TV Pale and TV Banja Luka should have alternative broadcasts.

Critically overtoned, the report made reference to Henry Kissinger and Professor Hutkington (name as heard) and their perception of the Bosnian conflict equalizing the guilt of the three sides. The footage showed excavation sites with remains of dead Bosniaks, comprising mainly women and children.

Washington – A TV Washington correspondent reported extensively on the Train and Equip programme. Top officials from the US State Department for Stabilization in the Balkans expressed optimism with regard to the programme, maintained the report. Thus far, US $ 100 million in cash has been spent on training and US$ 200 million in equipment. The BH Army would be fully trained to meet NATO standards since BH aspired to join the Partnership for Peace Programme. There was a possibility that the FBH Army conclude a separate agreement with NATO, while the Serb entity would joint at a later stage when ready.

The State Department officials denounced the stories about the alleged secret arming of the BH Army.

Zagreb – According to the report, the Croatian Government orchestrated a campaign conducted by some opposition parties to call a referendum on the rental of the port Ploce. Some labour union organisations had threatened to block the access to the Adriatic Sea for the UN if the port Ploce was rented to BH.