- 120 bodies found in Kosovo at the locality of Korenica in the Pec region
- Midnight the final deadline for Serb troops withdrawal
- A new round of conversations in Helsinki about Russians in Kosovo
- Tuzla Canton President demands replacement of Cantonal and Municipal prosecutors
- Privatisation started in the RS
Tuzla Canton President Demanded replacement of Cantonal and Municipal prosecutors, as confirmed by Cantonal Justice Minister, Rumic who said that Canton President Arapcic initiated procedure for replacement of Cantonal Prosecutor Dzanic. Simultaneously, Cantonal Justice Minister Rumic initiated procedure for replacement of Municipal Prosecutor, Demirovic. OHR was also informed about the issue.
RTV BiH also made an interview with Federation Co-President Ganic, regarding the Tuzla case and possible future cases on corruption. Ganic said this was not a surprise, as the Prosecutor’s Office was a part of the problem in this case, because they failed to do their job in due time. Commenting on results of his initiative for fight against the corruption, Ganic said that he was not pleased with results, and that Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office will have to take more engagement in the procedure, and that the whole process is going too slow.
Union of Demobilised Soldiers of BiH Federation held a press conference in Tuzla, and appealed on BiH Federation and the state authorities to assist people who gave their utmost in defending Bosnia, in their privatisation procedures and employment.
Privatisation preparations started in the RS, as confirmed by the Director of the RS Privatisation in Directorate, Obradovic. At the press conference, it was said that the Privatisation Agency has published appeal for auction of the first nine enterprises in the entity. The first privatisation auction starts in Banja Luka on June 26.
RTV BiH brought coverage on potential danger regarding Belgian chicken containing dioxin.
120 civilian victim bodies were discovered by KFOR Italian Troops in the Korenica region in Kosovo. Locals claim these were victims of Serb massacres. US soldiers arrested two Serbs at a checkpoint in Urosevac, under suspicion that they participated in murders of Albanian civilians, a US officer said.
New round of conversations began in Helsinki regarding Russian troops in Kosovo.