News Headlines
- Pakistan faces military coup
- Six billionth inhabitant of our planet born in Sarajevo
- Annan visits Sarajevo orphanage
- Annan meets with members of BiH Council of Ministers
- Annan meets with Bicakcic and Loncar
- Annan holds press conference after two-day visit to Sarajevo
- BiH Council of Ministers holds session
- Working group of entity armies meets to discuss reduction of military potential
- Sarajevo Cantonal Interior Ministry files charges against four persons involved in SAB Bank affair
- ICTY among main contenders for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize
- Jelavic accepts credentials of new Indian Ambassador to BiH
- Jelavic accepts credentials of recently nominated Argentinean Ambassador
- Luzanski meets with International Mediator for BiH Christian Schwartz-Schilling
- OHR surprised by Radisic and Djokic visit to Belgrade
- Chairman of BiH House of Peoples Zigic and RS National Assembly delegate Jusufovic visit Srebrenica Municipal Secretary Hasanovic in Tuzla Hospital
- Seventh session of Central Bosnia Canton Assembly ends after three hours of standstill
- HNS BiH suggests redirection of funds from BiH Federation military budget to development of agriculture, adding that Dayton Agreement cannot be implemented by those responsible for war in BiH
- Umicevic informs press conference of plan for return adopted by Banja Luka City Assembly
- President of Croat Cultural Society Napredak Topic issues public statement on holy mass of Croat community in Paris
- International news
- BiH Company ITG receives CE Certificate
- Tuzla Canton Privatization Agency offers 24 companies at public auction
- BiH Federation Trade Union and RS Syndicate announce joint action in fight for realization of workers’ rights, open door to social disorder
- TV BiH documentary film receives award at Krakow Film Festival
- TV BiH Director Muhamed Hadzimehmedovic dies in accident
- TV BiH promotes new promotional commercial for International Theater Festival MESS
- Announcement for TV BiH show called “BiH Issues”
- Sports
- Weather
News Summary
Annan meets with members of BiH Council of Ministers
The BiH Council of Ministers informed UN General Secretary Kofi Annan on the situation in BiH, problems in implementation of Annex 7 of the Dayton Agreement and the BiH economy. Council Co-chairman Svetozar Mihajlovic stated after the meeting that both Bosnian entities and the three constituent people are more-or-less equally guilty for non-implementation of Annex 7. He rejected allegations by Co-chairman Haris Silajdzic that the RS and Serb people are solely to blame for non-implementation of the annex. Mihajlovic added that he does not accept the Silajdzic claim that returns only occur to Sarajevo and the BiH Federation. During the meeting, Silajdzic insisted on the establishment of BiH borders and reform of the legal system and pointed out the need for blanket laws.
BiH Council of Ministers holds session
The BiH Council of Ministers met on Tuesday and discussed numerous agenda points but did not reach a consensus on any one point. After the meeting, Deputy Co-chairman Neven Tomic affirmed that resignations are also one of the ways to de-block the Council’s work, but added that there should be more political dialogue. Co-chairman Haris Silajdzic said that political obstructions to the Dayton Agreement are an issue and that they have been going on for so long that all Council members should resign before the end of year if they do not achieve concrete results. According to Silajdzic, the political destruction of the Dayton Agreement can be measured according to achieved results and the only part implemented in the Dayton Agreement was its military aspects.
TV BiH documentary film receives award at Krakow Film Festival
The author of the TV BiH documentary film Ponovi svoje ime, Nadja Mehmedbasic, received an award at the Third International Festival in Krakow. This award continues the old tradition of high quality productions by TV BiH in documentaries. Ethnic issues and the problems of people in contemporary times were the main topics of the Third Festival, at which Ponovi svoje ime won the Award for Special Documentary Expression. The documentary’s main characteristics are the fact that it is contemporary in its idea and the author gives a totally different slate to the BiH tragedy. The film shows what BiH passed through and what it must overcome for a better future.