- Serb members of the BiH Parliament Representative House did not attend today’s session because of security reasons, after messages of the SDA Party President made at the SDA Main Board session
- Tomorrow in Brcko, the binauguration of the Brcko District will take place – live reports by OBN journalists from the town
- The Mayor of the Jugozapad Mostar municipality resigned – orders for bringing five Croats from the town before the Court were issued
- Secret documents in the Blaskic case still in the focus of local and international attention
- New incidents in Kosovska Mitrovica – more than 30 people were injured
- Who sold a tourist camp of the “Fabrika duhana” company from Mostar on the Makarska coast?
Tomorrow, inauguration of the Brcko District will be made. A great number of international and local officials will attend the ceremony. The US State Secretary Madeleine Albright will attend the ceremony as well. Tomorrow, Ms. Albright will meat with BiH officials in Sarajevo. OBN will have a live broadcast of the ceremony of inauguration. OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic, produced an interview with the new President of the Brcko District Assembly, Mirsad Dzapo, from Brcko.
A pre-election speech of SDA party President Alija Izetbegovic at last week’s gathering initiated a strong reaction from OHR and OSCE. OHR and OSCE issued a joint press release saying that a right on a pre-election campaign was not the same as a right on slander because Izetbegovic used the opportunity to present inflammatory statements. Alija Izetbegovic denied the allegations and said that his speech was an example of a human and democratic approach. The report was produced by Sanjin Beciragic.
This was followed by a report on the cancelled session of the BiH Parliament Representative House because Serb representatives did not show up. They explained they were not feeling safe after Mr.Izetbegovic’s statement, OBN reporter, Sefko Bajic, confirmed.
Banja Luka
Serb representatives in the BiH Parliament Representative House said that they request from the OHR and the International Community the dismissal of the BiH Presidency Chairman, Alija Izetbegovic, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Neda Spasojevic, reported.
This was followed by an item on the talks between the High Representative in BiH, Wolfgang Petritsch, with the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, the Co-Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Svetozar Mihajlovic, and the President of the Banja Luka Socialist Party, Nebojsa Radmanovic. The topic of their talks was the current situation in the Sloga Coalition and the refugee return to RS and the Republic of Croatia. Upon his return from Paris, the High Representative informed RS officials about the concern of the French Government and other members of the Board for Peace Implementation because of the unstable political situation in the country. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Dragan Stanimirovic.
Mayor of the Jugozapad Mostar municipality, Ivica Rozic, who was recently appointed to the position, resigned. He explained he was not able to take responsibility for return of people to their apartments. The report was produced by Ines Kajic from Mostar.
This was followed by a piece on the issuing of orders for bringing before the Canton Court five Croats. If they are not arrested, wanted circulars will be send out, OBN reporter from the area, Denis Vila, confirmed.
Secret documents in the Blaskic case are still in the focus of local and international attention. The documents include names of individuals responsible for war crimes committed in the Ahmici village and other events in the period between 1992 and 1994. OBN reporter from Zagreb, Gordana Simonovic, produced the piece for TV INFO.
New incidents in Kosovska Mitrovica occurred. More than 30 people were injured, including seven KFOR soldiers. This was followed by an item on the killing of at least 150 miners in Sierra Leone in an mine accident.
In Spain, ETA organised a terrorist attack where seven people were injured. The attack occurred only a few days before the forthcoming parliamentary elections in Spain. The report on current events in the world was produced by OBN journalist, Gordana Frimel.
A piece on the tourist camps, located in the Republic of Croatia, which belonged to BiH companies before the war. Some individuals from BiH made illegal transactions of BiH companies property in Croatia. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Enes Ratkusic.
An item on the sixth annual meeting of the Croatian culture association “Napredak” was produced by OBN reporter, Meliha Hasanbegovic.
Reports on NBA, international football and Formula One were presented.