- Sarajevo – atmosphere prior to the start of the football qualification match between teams of Scotland and BiH for the European Championship
- Rehearsal of the Scottish King’s Musketeers and Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra who will open the football match
- Investigation of an old lady murder in Blazuj still in progress – statements of inhabitants of Blazuj were presented
- Destroyed tombstones at the Catholic graveyard in Sarajevo
- Tuzla – protest of refugees from Janja
- Continuation of strike in the Lukavica “Sodaso” factory
- New explosions and killings in Kosovo
- New bloodshed in East Timor following the successful elections
- Show of plums in Gradacac closed
Blazuj (Sarajevo)
A report on the continuation of the murder investigation which occurred three days ago in Blazuj, in the Ilidza Municipality. A ninety year old woman, Draginja Babalj, had been murdered and her sister severely wounded. Citizens of Ilidza and Blazuj have been disturbed by the event. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic.
This was followed by an announcement which OBN received during the show that the Canton Court in Sarajevo issued a decision for undertaking the investigation against five individuals due to criminal acts committed on September 2nd 1999 in Blazuj, the night when Draginja Babalj had been murdered.
A piece on destroyed tombstones at the Catholic graveyard “Sveti Marko”
in Sarajevo, allegedly on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. The suspected are two teenagers, OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic, confirmed.
Three Serbs have been murdered in a village near Prizren. In Prizren, KFOR members found a severely wounded Kosovo Albanian who died upon the arrival at the hospital. The report on the current events in Kosovo was produced by OBN journalist, Gordana Frimel.
This was followed by reports on the current events in East Timor and Middle East. This report was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic.
At the protest meeting of refugees from Janja, the refugees started up an initiative to send a request to the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, for the final return of Bosniaks to their pre-war homes and the request to the RS National Assembly which should include the question of return to its agenda. OBN reporter from Tuzla, Muhamed Berbic, produced the report.
Banja Luka
A report on the meeting of the RS Association of Killed and Missing Soldiers members held today in Banja Luka, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Valentina Knezevic, confirmed. Families of the soldiers wanted to stress their difficult social position.
A report on the third day of strike of “Sodaso” factory workers in Lukavac. Unpaid salaries were the cause of the strike, OBN reporter from the area, Emir Zivojevic, confirmed.
On 31st August, chambers of commerce representatives of the Stability Pact member countries gathered in Ljubljana. This was the first concrete step after the Summit in Sarajevo. OBN reporter from Mostar, Pejo Gasparevic, asked representatives how to improve co-operation in the region.
A report on the closing of the international show of plums in Gradacac, the oldest traditional show in BiH. Seventy per cent of exhibitors at the show were from BiH, OBN reporter from the area, Muhamed Cabric, confirmed.
Stup (Sarajevo)
A report on the opening of a kindergarten school in the Sarajevo residential quarter, Stup. Cardinal Vinko Puljic, blessed the new building. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Ana Drmac.
A report on the football was followed by reports on US Open tennis tournament and Formula One.