New Millennium
Whether the 2000th would be entering into the new millennium or just new century? Mathematics say this would be only another century. However, Semsa Kadic from Sarajevo, will enter the second century in her life next year. A piece on this was produced by OBN reporter Meliha Hasanbegovic.
- In Serbia, the continuation of mass protests – participants ask Slobodan Milosevic to resign
- Germany celebrates the day of unification
- Divided towns in BiH
- International investments: Why international businessmen leave BiH without having their job done?
- Whether new Neum is constructed on the coast of the Jablanica lake?
A report on the beginning of the fifth phase of general elections in India where at least 11 people were killed. This was followed by reports on the elections in Austria, return of refugees in East Timor and testing of inter-continental missiles in the USA. Three days after the incident in a nuclear power plant in Japan, it was announced that regulations had been breached during the last several years. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Gordana Frimel.
This was followed by a report on the current events in Chechenia. Russian troops entered 15 kilometres into the Chechen territory and this was the official beginning of the ground offensive in this republic. Although the USA warned Moscow not to get involved in another war, Moscow officially announced that they want to destroy rebel headquarters. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.
Belgrade, Serbia
Protests against Slobodan Milosevic in twenty towns in Serbia continued last night. More than 60,000 people ask for the resignation of the Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milosevic. In a car accident near Lazarevac, Vuk Draskovic and his wife were slightly injured while four people were killed, OBN reporter from Belgrade, Danica Ilic, confirmed.
A report on the nine years since West and East Germany had united, and a short report on what preceded, was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.
This was followed by a report on the divided towns in BiH, Sarajevo and Mostar. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Vedran Persic.
The association of independent intellectuals “Circle 99” discussed today, at their regular Sunday meeting, the successfulness of the International Community investments in BiH. The International Community had invested a great deal of funds in order to implement all aspects of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and at the same time, faced the organised resistance of the local authorities, the participants said. OBN reporter, Mirela Pehar, produced the report.
International Investments in BiH
This was followed by a report on the international investments in BiH and bureaucracy difficulties the investors are facing when they want to invest their funds in the BiH economy. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic. The International Crisis Group representative, James Lyon, said that the privatisation process was too slow and the laws did not regulate completely rights and obligations of investors.
The Jablanica Lake
A piece on whether there was illegal construction of weekend houses on the coast of the Jablanica Lake and who has 180,000 DEM to build a weekend house on the lake. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Anes Alic.
The fourth children’s festival of music “What About Sanja Song” was held in Gorazde. Fifteen songs were presented at the festival. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the town, Ehlimana Poturak.
A report on the local football matches was followed by reports on the international tennis tournament in Munich, moto-cycle race in Australia and international football.