- Belgrade – Serbian Assembly accepted suggestion for solution of the Kosovo crisis
- NATO air strikes did not stop – main targets are TV transmitters and Serbian posts in Kosovo
- Köln – leaders of the EU wait for the Ahtisaari report after his negotiations in Belgrade
- Chairman of OSCE, Knut Vollebaek, arrived to BiH – municipality elections in BiH will be probably postponed for the summer 2000
- Sarajevo – sessions of the BiH Presidency and BiH Permanent Military Committee
- Banja Luka – RS National Assembly discussed arbitrary decision on Brcko
On 72nd day of NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia, the Serbian Assembly accepted a plan of G 8 that includes withdrawal of Serbian troops from Kosovo and deployment of international troops as well as establishing of provisional Kosovo government and refugee return. The Serbian Radical Party and their leader, Vojislav Seselj, voted against the decision. OBN reporter in Belgrade, Natasa Narancic, sent her report for TV Info.
After his talks in Belgrade, Ahtisaari went to Köln in order to present results of his mission to the EU leaders.
Sarajevo / Banja Luka
The Chairman of OSCE and Norwegian Foreign Minister, Knut Vollebaek, arrived to BiH, and visited Sarajevo and Banja Luka. He met with the BiH Presidency in Sarajevo.
This was followed by news came during the broadcast: The Chairman of the EU and EU Envoy announced at a press conference that EU accepts Belgrade’s offer. They said that this means a beginning of a political process that would secure Kosovo significant autonomy.
Sessions of the BiH Presidency and BiH Permanent Military Committee were held today in Sarajevo. The High Representative in BiH, Carlos Westendorp, was present during the first 20 minutes of the BIH Presidency meeting. Draft of the BiH Election Law was discussed.
This was followed by a report from the meeting of the BiH Council of Ministers Co-chairmen, Haris Silajdzic and Svetozar Mihajlovic, with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata. After the meeting, Svetozar Mihajlovic said that political situation in BiH was better than it used to be, but still insufficient for complete implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement Annex 7, related to the refugee return.
A report on an accident occurred in the village Brvnik in the Samac Municipality where one individual working on de-mining of the area was killed and other two were severely wounded in the village Brvnik in the Samac Municipality.
Banja Luka
RS National Assembly discussed arbitrary decision on Brcko. Representatives confirmed that the decision should be changed. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Tatjana Lajsic, sent her report.
A report from the session of the BiH Federation produced OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic. The most important issue of the session was discussion on special relations with the Republic Croatia. The Croatian Government has delivered annexes three months ago. The BiH Federal Government offered today three new annexes.
This was followed by a report on a visit of the European Parliament representative, Marlene Lenz, to Sarajevo. At the press conference held today in Sarajevo, she said that that BiH is closer to the membership in the European Council.
A report on refugee return to Zenica in the Federation and Modrica in the RS. Thirty seven Bosniak and Croat families have returned to Modrica to date.
A piece on a new Orthodox Priest in the Mostar Church, Velibor Dzanic. This should encourage return of refugees to the area.
Stolac / Capljina
A piece on acquiring of agriculture facilities for returnees in the Stolac and Capljina municipalities. The funds were provided by the BiH Federation Government and the Herzegovina – Neretva Canton.
Rakovica (Sarajevo)
A report on children from Kosovo in the Sarajevo’s Clinic and aid delivered to the children in the refugee camp in Rakovica near Sarajevo.
This was followed by a report from an art exhibition where photos taken in refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania were exhibited.
A report on the local football matches’ results was followed by World Championship in volleyball report and finals of Roland Gaross.