
OBN News Review, 29 July 2000



  • Refugees organised a protest in Tuzla
  • The new Office of the UN Mission was officially opened today
  • Richard Hoolbroke started an initiative for isolation of Yugoslavia from the UN
  • 20 years of court dispute between “Elektrodistribucija” in Tuzla and Enes Aljic from Durdevik


Refugees organised a protest in Tuzla today. Their motto was “Now or Never”. Many participants made a very emotional speeches. They demanded aid from the International Community and Local Authorities for refugee return. They sent a sharp letter to the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch. Reported by Adis Nisic.


The 1st Anniversary of the Stability Pact was marked today. EURO 2,4 billion have been provided through the Pact so far. “A lot was done, but citizens are not satisfied. This is, after all, the poorest part of Europe”, said the B&H Foreign Minister, Jadranko Prlic. The US Administration sent a $150 million worth “birthday card” to the Pact. The report was produced by Damir Kaletovic.


The newly appointed HDZ Board organised a founding session today in Mostar. The Chairman of HDZ, Ante Jelavic said that the Dayton Peace Accords was used up. Mr. Jelavic feels that the decision of the Constitutional Court represents a turning point in B&H history. Reported by Pejo Gasparevic.


An official decision on crossing the border between B&H and Croatia only with an ID was made two days ago. The decision was implemented without any problems at the border crossing in Doljani, Denis Vila confirmed.


The UN Mission in B&H officially opened the new office in Sarajevo. The Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic and the Head of the UN Mission in B&H, Jacques Paul Klein opened the Office in Nedarici. Vedran Persic produced the report.


At least 12 people died, and 110 were injured in a collision of two trains at the Railway Station in Sao Paolo.

The EU called for democratic changes in FRY.

The Serbian opposition consider their participation in the forthcoming elections.

The US started diplomatic activities, in order to investigate Arabian reactions to a possible compromise for Jerusalem.

9 people died in clashes between people and the police in Lima.

A delegation from the North Korea arrived to the South Korea.

Two explosions could be heard in Baskia within an hour. The Spanish Internal Minister said that Spain would not give way to a gang of assassins.

The hostage crisis in the Philippines continues.

A large quantity of weapons was confiscated in Dobranje in Croatia 15 days ago.

Mladen Maric reported on current world events.


One of the most valuable necropolis cemeteries was destroyed in 1993. The Municipal Building is at the site now, and standing tomb-stones are dispersed around. Destruction of nature in this part of the country continues. Reported by Sevko Bajic.


24 years ago, Enes Aljic survived an electric stroke. The Court found “Elektrodistribucija” in Tuzla guilty for the accident. They were obliged to pay him monthly annuities, but they have not fulfilled their obligation. “Elektrodistribucija” now owns DM 1 040 000 000 to Mr. Aljic. Amarildo Gutic produced the report.


About 1500 Croats lived in Cajdras before the war. About 300 of them returned to their homes. However, most of them cannot move into their houses, because they were not reconstructed. Reported by Ana Drmac.


The closing ceremony for the Project of Exchange of Students “Barcelona-Sarajevo-Mostar” was organised today in Sarajevo, Svjetlana Celic reported.


Reports on Formula I, international football and athletics were presented.