A report on the situation in Turkey was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic, who is currently in the country. Fire officers from Sarajevo helped in alleviating consequences of the earthquake.
- Richard Holbrooke in Kosovo – situation in Kosovo is very difficult – role of Russians in the peace process is legitimate
- East Timor – citizens put aside arms during referendum on independence
- Closing of the Sarajevo Film Festival
- Topic of TV INFO: How to live through the last winter in this millennium?
- Robert Farrand imposing new practice at the marketplace “Arizona”
- Process of return in Bugojno, Smoljan and Loncari
During the second day of his visit to Kosovo, the USA Ambassador to the UN, Richard Holbrooke, said that the situation was very difficult. This USA diplomat stressed legitimacy and importance of Russia in the peace process. The Kosovo Albanians leader, Hasim Taci, said after his meeting with Holbrooke, that an agreement on complete disarmament of the Kosovo Liberation Army until September 19th had been reached. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Duska Jurisic.
In East Timor, parties agreed to forbid carrying of arms during the referendum on independence. This was followed by reports on the current events in Middle East and a terrorist attack in Yemen.
Banja Luka
A report on the difficult economic situation in BiH and the most important question at the moment: How to live through the forthcoming winter? The report from Banja Luka on this was produced by OBN reporter from the town, Nebojsa Racic.
This was followed by a piece on the home for the aged in Tuzla and number of problems they are faced with. OBN reporter from Tuzla, Dusan Micevic, produced the report.
Public Kitchens
During the war and post-war period, public kitchens operated in a great number of BiH towns. The funds were provided mainly through donations.
In the meantime, donations ceased, and funding of the public kitchens in Sarajevo was taken over by the Canton authorities. In Tuzla, the Franciskans take care for the public kitchens.
Loncari (Zenica)
A piece on the returnees in the Loncari village near Zenica who live in stables because they had to leave their provisional accommodation, OBN reporter from Zenica, Nela Kacmarcik, confirmed.
According to the Information Center in Bugojno, 4,920 applications for return to this municipality were submitted to date. Returnees to the area say they hope international donations would help them to reestablish their pre-war way of life. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Vanja Elezovic.
“Arizona” Market Place
A report on the illegal trade at the “Arizona” market place, 20 km from the town of Brcko. Robert Farrand announced stopping of such practice, OBN reporter from the area, Slobodanka Radojkovic, confirmed. It is still not known what concrete measures would be introduced.
Tonight is the last night of the Sarajevo Film Festival. The summary of the Festival is 80 movies from 27 countries and 54 thousand visitors.
An announcement on begging of the Italian Football League matches on OBN as from tonight was followed by reports on the local football matches, Formula One and International Athletic Championship.
From sanja.jelinic@ohr.int Tue Aug 31 21:10:52 1999 Return-Path: <sanja.jelinic@ohr.int> Delivered-To: ohr@localhost Received: (qmail 15689 invoked by uid 1003); 31 Aug 1999 21:10:51 -0000 Delivered-To: allied@allied.int Received: (qmail 15680 invoked from network); 31 Aug 1999 21:10:51 -0000 Received: from localhost (root@ by localhost with SMTP; 31 Aug 1999 21:10:51 -0000 Delivered-To: mailbox-ohr@mailbox.grmbl.com Received: from mailbox.grmbl.com by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-4.7.0) for allied@allied.int (single-drop); Tue, 31 Aug 1999 21:10:51 +0000 (UTC) Received: (qmail 237 invoked by uid 400); 31 Aug 1999 19:59:51 -0000 Delivered-To: gmail-allied-ohr@allied-consultants.be Received: (qmail 226 invoked from network); 31 Aug 1999 19:59:50 -0000 Received: from bruserv.ohr.int ( by users.grmbl.com with SMTP; 31 Aug 1999 19:59:50 -0000 Received: by bruserv with Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) id <PVYT48AG>; Mon, 30 Aug 1999 16:00:19 +0200 Message-ID: <29E018BF81D8D211879E00600867783E09750F@bruserv55> From: Sanja Jelinic <sanja.jelinic@ohr.int> To: ‘Anthony Antoine’ <Anthony.Antoine@vub.ac.be>, ‘Bram Dumolin’ <bram@grmbl.com>, ‘Allied Consultants’ <ohr@allied-consultants.be> Subject: OBN News Review – TV INFO, 28 August 1999 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 15:55:19 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”iso-8859-1″
OBN News Review – TV INFO, 28 August 1999, 8 p.m.
Russian Space Station
A report on return of the last crew from the Russian space station “Mir” to the Earth. The space station has spent 13 years in the space to date. Currently, no one is at the station. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic.
- In explosion in Pristina, Josip Broz Tito’s monument damaged last night
- Richard Holbrooke, new USA Ambassador to UN, arrived at Kosovo
- Turkey – earthquake in the famous tourist place Antalya occurred yesterday
- Inspectors from the USA and Great Britain started investigation on accusation for corruption which includes the Russian President, Boris Yeltsin
- Bijeljina – new digital main telephone exchange with mobile phone system opened
- Banja Luka – lines in front of book shops prior to the start of new school year
- In Sarajevo, pupils will use old textbooks with offensive parts crossed
- In tonight’s TV INFO: First case of computer crime in BiH
A report on the beginning of the seven day tour of Richard Holbrooke. The USA diplomat will stay in three day visit to Kosovo and afterwards visit Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The blockade of Orahovac continued. Kosovo Albanians do not let Russian troops to enter the town. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Gordana Frimel.
A report on yesterday’s earthquake in the tourist part of Turkey, Antalya. Aid is coming from all parts of the world. OBN reporter from Turkey, Amarildo Gutic, reported that the Turkish Prime Minister denied accusations that the Government done minimum regarding alleviation of consequences of the earthquake.
A report on the corruption investigation in Russia started by investigators from the USA and Great Britain was followed by a report on the bomb explosion in the capital of Yemen.
A piece on the establishment of the new digital main telephone exchange with mobile phone system in Bijeljina. This is the first such main telephone exchange in the eastern part of the RS. For the time being, mobile telephone system of the RS is linked only to three countries. It is planned that the system would be linked to all others in the world within the next three months, OBN reporter from Bijeljina, Zeljko Pantelic, confirmed.
Donja Rabina (Mostar)
Thirty Bosniak families have returned to the Donja Rabina village in the Mostar area. Before the war, forty families lived in the village, OBN reporter from the area, Sinisa Jokic, reported.
Caire (Doboj)
A piece on the donation provided by the humanitarian organisation MSC – SEA, for 34 returnee families in the Caire village in the Doboj Municipality. The donation will be used for reconstruction of their houses. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Muhamed Cabric.
A report on the refugees from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in BiH. Eight families, who were provisionally placed in the Center for blind people in Nedzarici in Sarajevo, due to their health problems, had to return to refugee camps near Sarajevo. They complain to difficult living conditions in the camps and ask the authorities to help them. The Ministry for Refugees promised to provide concrete help to the refugees during the winter.
The Serb Orthodox Church asked for return of their property in the Tuzla Canton. OBN reporter from Tuzla, Sabina Smajic, researches how this issue would be solved.
Banja Luka
New school year begins in three days. There are lines in front of Banja Luka book shops because insufficient number of textbooks for elementary school was printed. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Biljana Arsic.
A report on the pupils in the BiH Federation who will use old textbooks with offensive parts crossed. New textbooks for elementary and secondary schools were not printed yet.
The first case of computer crime detected on the territory of BiH. The problem is that the BiH legislature do not have provisions about this criminal act.
A report on accountancy seminar held in Sarajevo. The seminar was organised by the US Agency for International Development. Participants of the seminar were from both BiH entities, OBN reporter, Anes Alic, confirmed.
This was followed by a report on the Sarajevo Film Festival. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Mirela Pehar.
A report on the International Athletic Championship was followed by reports on the local and international football matches and Formula One.