
OBN News Review, 28 May 2000



  • Borders between Serbia and Montenegro are almost completely closed
  • Tuzla supports the replaced Muslim leader Lugavic
  • 67 B&H citizens submit applications for leaving the country every day


General Milorad Obradovic conveyed orders from the FRY Army headquarters to their units in Montenegro. They should constantly monitor the situation and inform headquarters. Among other orders, General Obradovic instructed the Army units to arrest all officers who publicly call for soldiers to desert. There were no official reactions from the Montenegro Government yet. Reported by Olja Bulatovic from Podgorica.

The presenter of TV INFO, Aleksandar Mlac talked by phone to the Vice-president of the Montenegran Government, Dragisa Burzan. “The Army completely serves the Belgrade regime, and their actions are illegal”, Mr Burzan said. “I don’t think that a war will start, but Montenegro has enough strength to defend itself”, he added. “An attack against Montenegro would destroy Milosevic”, Mr Burzan said.


The theme of today’s “Circle 99” session was “Who doesn’t need culture?” Writer and journalist, Sead Fetahagic, said that citizens of B&H were not interested in reading, and that books present just useless material for them.


Citizens of Tuzla gathered today in order to support the Muslim leader Muhamed Lugavic, who had been replaced. They expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision. Most citizens of Tuzla feel that this replacement has a political background. Ms Svjetlana Broz also visited Tuzla, in order to speak in favour of Mr Lugavic. The report was produced by Elma Nakicevic.


75 Bosniac families returned to the village of Duhre, near Kiseljak. About 60 of them are still waiting to return. A Muslim religious school was also opened there, which should increase the return process. Returnees hope that their lives in Duhre will normalise soon. Reported by Vanja Elezovic.

Banja Luka

The international community condemned the appointment of Spasoje Tusevljak as the new Chairman of the Council of Ministers. However, the Presidency member, Zivko Radisic will not change his decision, and the B&H Parliament will vote on his proposal on Tuesday, 30th of June. Radisic said that a democratic atmosphere was created. “I followed procedure during this appointment”, he added. “Some people, from the RS as well, don’t want the Council of Ministers to be formed”, Radisic said. The report was produced by Dragan Stanimirovic.


A large number of young people submit applications to leave B&H to foreign embassies every day. Unemployment, destroyed economy, numerous political affairs are some of the reasons for their desire to emigrate. There are about 200 000 Bosniacs in America today, and most of them don’t want come back, because they don’t see any future in B&H. The report was produced by Amarildo Gutic.


Sevko Bajic produced a piece on the beauty of Malaysia and Thailand, which attracts tourists from all parts of the world.


Leaders of three Serbian opposition parties, Vuk Draskovic, Zoran Dindic and Vojislav Kostunica, as well as the former Director of “Studio B”, Dragan Kojadinovic arrived in Moscow today. They should meet the Russian Prime Minister, Igor Ivanov on Monday.

Rebels in Fiji tried to occupy the President’s residence today. The state TV station and the best hotel in town were robbed.

A member of “Hesbollah” killed one citizen of South Lebanon.

At least 3 people were injured in clashes between Lebanese and Palestinian protestors with Israeli security forces at the border between Israel and Lebanon.

The Israeli President will resign on 10th of July, 3 years before the expiry of his mandate.

More than 3500 houses were evacuated in Louisiana last night, after an accident with a train that was carrying dangerous chemicals. The piece on current world events was produced by Adis Saranovic.


OBN reporter Vedran Persic produced a piece on demining actions in Bjelasnica. The Swiss Government donated valuable equipment for the demining process.


An exhibition of children’s works was opened in the gallery “Mak”

in Sarajevo. The exhibition was organised by the children’s newspaper “Mirko”. The main message for children was not to touch mines. Similar exhibitions will be organised in Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla. Produced by TV SFOR.


Reports on local and international football, and NBA league were presented.

Banja Luka

Boris Raseta produced a piece on an international dog show that took place today in Banja Luka.