- Serious earthquake in Azerbaijan
- Parliamentary Elections in Romania took place
- Danger of cow disease increases
At least 23 people died in an earthquake in Azerbaijan last night. About 33 were injured.
Clashes in the Middle East spread to the area of Lebanon.
Deadline for completion of hand recount of ballots after the US Presidential Election expires at 11 p.m. CET this evening.
The Parliamentary Election took place in Romania. 70-year-old former communist leader, Ion Iliescu has the best chances to win the election.
The Main ICTY Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte is not satisfied with re-appointment of Slobodan Milosevic as the Chairman of the Socialist Party in Yugoslavia. Zeljka Lekic produced the report.
The Association of Independent Intellectuals “Circle 99” organised a session today, dedicated to historical values of “ZAVNOBIH”. Reported by Anes Alic.
The Municipality of Prijedor spent KM 99 904 in the first 5 months of 2000. Establishment of a Commission which would investigate the case was proposed, Milena Letic-Joves reported.
Banja Luka
The Centre for the Dystrophic in Banja Luka is about to change its status into a social institution. Employees of the Centre are against this change, because the handicapped persons would lose the chance to work and earn salaries. Suzana Vukcevic produced the report.
Banja Luka
Danger of the cow disease increases every day. While Governments are trying to agree on export and import of meat, the deadly disease is spreading, Dijana Gajic reported.
The art association “Suada Dilberovic” organised the action “Children of Olympic Sarajevo to Children of Olympic Sydney”. 56 children’s works on the theme were gathered. However, they have not been sent to Sydney yet. Reported by Sevko Bajic.
The Muslim leader, Dr. Mustafa Ceric sent a Ramadan greeting, wishing a happy Ramadan days to all Muslims.
Orthodox and Catholic leaders, together with other believers celebrated 2000th Anniversary of Christianity, Meliha Hasanbegovic reported.
Reports on local and international football were presented.