
OBN News Review, 25 October 2000



  • “A Memorial Centre for victims of tragedy in Srebrenica will be constructed in Potocari”, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch said
  • The Balkans Summit took place in Skopje
  • The Yugoslav President, Vojislav Kostunica called leaders in the Balkans for co-operation
  • Single B&H passports have been promoted
  • Clashes in the Middle East continue


“A Memorial Centre for Srebrenica victims will be constructed in Potocari”, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch said. The construction should start in the spring 2001. “We need to restore dignity to the victims”, Mr. Petritsch said. The former High Representative, Carl Bildt and Bianca Jagger will lead expert teams in preparations for the construction. Amarildo Gutic produced the report.


An informal summit of leaders of the South East Europe took place in Skopje today. The Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Zivko Radisic participated in the Summit as an observer. A joint statement was adopted, supporting co-operation between participant countries, as well as democratic changes in the FRY. Reported by Safet Bisevac from Skopje.


New single B&H passports have been promoted in Sarajevo. They will be available for all citizens by the end of the month. Final deadline for change of passports will be November 2002, Danijela Bozic reported.


“If alleged last night’s statement of Marko Tokic, the HDZ Vice-Chairman that his party would fulfil wishes of Croats to unify with Croatia is true, it will be a violation of the Dayton Peace Accords and regulations of the Interim Election Commission”, the OSCE Spokesman in Mostar, Bernard Vrban said. Reported by Mirsad Behram.

Banja Luka

The EU delegation, led by the Ambassador Hans Jorg Kretschmer met the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik and several other RS officials. The main theme of discussions was strategic development and future aid for B&H, Suzana Vukcevic reported.


General Robert Guei escaped from the Ivory Coast, after he had tried to proclaim victory in the presidential elections which took place on Sunday.

Envoy of the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak is discussing measures for stopping violence with the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

The US Ambassador, Richard Holbrooke signed a Declaration on respecting results of the forthcoming local elections with 5 strongest parties in Kosovo. Gordana Frimel produced the report on world events.


The RS Government provided August salaries for school teachers, who continued their strike. Union representatives met the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik who promised that a solution would be found in the next few days, Milena Letic-Joves reported.

Banja Luka

The RS Constitutional Court discussed the RS Assembly decision on dissolving of the RS Government today. The Court should reach a final decision on the issue soon. Reported by Biljana Arsic.


Due to lack of electronic equipment for control of purchase, trade and fuel supply in Semberija, Majevica and Birce (RS) about 50% of gas stations have been closed. Tatjana Lajsic produced the report.


Final preparations for reconstruction of the Old Bridge in Mostar are underway. The project should be completed by the end of 2002. Reported by Ivan Pavkovic.

Banja Luka

The Editor in Chief of “Nezavisne Novine”, Zeljko Kopanja received the International Award for freedom of the press from the US Committee for Protection of Journalists, Suzana Vukcevic reported.


The last performance within the “Mess” Film Festival, “Mephisto” will be presented by a group of Macedonian actors. Reported by Meliha Hasanbegovic.


Reports on local and international football, and local basketball were presented.