- US President, Bill Clinton, in Macedonia
- General Clark requests fast deployment of KFOR troops
- First NATO victims in Kosovo
- Summit of the Pact of Stability will be held in September instead of July, the White House announces
- Elizabeth Rehn – investigation of Lozo Leutar’s murder coming to its end
After his visit to Slovenia, the US President, Bill Clinton, visited Macedonia today, OBN reporter from Skopje, Safet Bisevac, confirms. During his visit to Slovenia, the President met with the Montenegrin President, Milo Djukanovic. OBN reporter and presenter, Aleksandar Mlac, produced a report on this from Ljubljana.
Yesterday, the UN Secretary General appointed two assistants to the UN civilian supervisor in Kosovo, although it is still unknown who is going to be that civilian supervisor. China criticized the Western countries for making a conditioning of the reconstruction of Yugoslavia as being dependent on the resignation of Milosevic.
The NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, said today that international efforts for securing peace in the Federal Republic Yugoslavia and re-establishing normal life in Kosovo are bringing results even before the planned deadline. The UN Secretary General, Kofi Anann, said today in Petersburg that Russia had a key role in solving the Kosovo crisis.
Two British soldiers and two civilians were killed in an accident trying to deactivate an explosive device found in Negrovce, South West from Pristina.
This was followed by a report on Kosovo refugees in BiH. Approximately 157 refugees have found shelter in Tesanj. After the NATO air strikes had stopped, refugees decided to return to their homes. OBN reporter from Tesanj, Muhamed Cabric, reports on the refugee return and the Bronja family from Kosovo.
The forth meeting of the joint consultative group between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina was held today in Sarajevo. The main issues of discussion were the European Union, regional approach, local market, certificates, the state administration reform and membership of BiH in the Council of Europe.
A report on the visit of the Italian Parliamentary delegation to Sarajevo and meetings the delegation had with the BiH Foreign Minister, Jadranko Prlic, and the Chairman of the Representative House of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, Halid Genjac.
Banja Luka
On June 17th, Office of the Entity Army General Inspector was established in Banja Luka, upon the initiative of Gen. Montgomery Meigs, the SFOR Commander in BiH. The General Inspector, Robert Tomanovich, informed today the RS Defence Minister, Manojlo Milovanovic, about tasks of this new office.
During her visit to Mostar, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General, Elizabeth Rehn, said that the investigation into the murder of the Interior Minister Deputy, Jozo Leutar, was coming to its end, although she could not give any further details.
A report on the meeting held between the Federal Minister of Health and his Deputy with canton ministers in Travnik today. The result of the meeting was that the transfer of patients from one canton to another should be less complicated in the future.
OBN journalist, Amarildo Gutic, produced a report about basic rights to work, being breached all over BiH. In Livno, a large number of Bosniaks are without a job. The Ombudsman Office representative in Livno said that they are not happy with respecting human rights in the town.
Banja Luka
A report on the process of privatization in the RS and discussion about which model is going to be used in the process. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Tatjana Lajsic, reports.
This was followed by another report from the RS. The RS Minister of Education, Nenad Suzic, announced today that RS textbooks would be in use during the next schooling year again.
Entrance exams for enrolling at the RS University will start on July 1st. Approximately 5,500 new students will attend the RS University.
A piece on an insect which destroys corn plants in South East Europe for the fifth year in a row. Now, the pest has been imported to BiH as well through the Belgrade airport.
The Austrian Company IBK, dealing with transmission of digital data through TV and FM networks, organized a lecture in the Sarajevo Hotel Grand in order to improve flow of radio and TV information.
This was followed by a report on translation of “1001 Nights” from Arabic to Bosnian. This is the first complete translation of the book, which has been promoted last night.
Report on international competition in jumping from the Old Bridge in Mostar was followed by a report from the European Championship in basketball in France and tennis tournament in Wimbledon.