
OBN News Review, 21 May 2000



  • At least 100 people were injured in an accident in North Carolina
  • Protests in Serbia are ceasing
  • Why did the USA suspend the aid programme for the Croat part of the B&H Army?
  • “Texaco”: an encouraging example of foreign investment in B&H production


33 people died in the accident on the Black Sea yesterday.

More than 100 were injured after the collapse of an overpass in North Carolina.

Rebels in Fiji threatened that they would kill the Prime Minister and his ministers, whom they have captured and kept for three days in the Parliament building. Leaders of the rebels demand the appointment of a new Government, which would consist of native citizens of the island.

Clashes between Ethiopia and Eritrea continue. The USA evacuated part of their staff from the US Embassy in Eritrea.

The Israeli Government ordered their citizens and foreign tourists not to enter the area of the West Coast controlled by Palestinians.

Italians voted on abolishment of the proportional election system today.

The USA, Russia, Great Britain, France and China obliged themselves to destroy their nuclear arsenals.

Protests in Serbia are ceasing. Disagreements between opposition leaders, bad weather and fear are some of the reasons for this.

The report on current world events was produced by Adis Saranovic.

Banja Luka

The Presidency member, Zivko Radisic will propose three new candidates for the Chairman of the Council of Ministers tomorrow. One of the possible candidates is Mladen Ivanic, the PDP leader. The SDS announced that they will not support Ivanic. The identity of candidates is still unknown.


OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic produced a piece on (non)implementation of the election results in the Federation of B&H. The results were implemented mainly in municipalities where one political party won the large majority of votes.

Banja Luka

As no party won a large majority in the RS, the Party of Democratic Progress’ selection of their coalition partner will be decisive. Candidates for the new Major of Banja Luka should be proposed in the next few days.


The USA suspended the aid for the Croat part of the Federation Army. The Federation Defence Minister, Miroslav Prce met the US Ambassador in B&H, Thomas Miller several times. “The discussions centred around integration of the Federation Army, because we feel that the process is not intensive enough”, said Mr Miller. The State Department feels that the Croat part of the Army is the most responsible for this. That is why the training of the Croat forces has been suspended. Negotiations between the Croat leadership and the American Government continue. The report was produced by Vedran Persic.


Mirna Sadikovic produced a piece on the family Degirmendzic, who have unsuccessfully tried to return to their flat. Although they purchased their flat from the former JNA, the municipal authorities don’t recognise the contract.

Banja Luka

There are no legal regulations in the RS that would help the process of restitution of military flats. Owner of the lease gets the right on flat purchase only after he had lived in the flat for two years. Army representatives suggested adoption of a new law at the state level, which would regulate these problems.


The multi-national company “Texaco” entered the B&H market. They signed a DM15 million worth contract with the “Energoinvest” from Gradacac. “Texaco” spent $33 billion for their business operations during the last year. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


A seminar of surgeons was completed in Zavidovici today. The treatment of tuberculosis was one of the main themes. Reported by Mladen Vujic.


There are 105 children at the Centre for blind children in Sarajevo. Special equipment is necessary for their education, and there is no money for its purchase. The report was produced by Meliha Hasanbegovic.


Reports on the International Chess Tournament “Sarajevo 2000”, local football and Formula I Competition were presented.


Two boys, Imamovic Semir and Imamovic Emir died in a mine explosion in Lukavac today. Imamovic Dino and Kisic Jasmin were injured.