
OBN News Review, 19 September 2000



  • The RS Assembly session took place today
  • The B&H Alternative Council of Ministers demanded replacement of the Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers, Spasoje Tusevljak, and the Minister for European Integration, Bisera Turkovic
  • The US Administration agrees to remove sanctions against Yugoslavia, if democratic opposition wins the elections
  • 16 people died in an explosion in Islamabad


The International Community will focus on economic reconstruction of B&H, due to lack of donors’ money. The EU programme for funding small and medium enterprises is one of the most successful programmes. “Whether such programmes will be larger and more favourable, depends on new political authorities after the elections”, said the Head of the EC Office in B&H, Ambassador Hans Joerg Kretchmer. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


Decision on construction of the highway route Budapest-Ploce via B&H will be made after adoption of a global plan. Construction of a route west from the river Neretva valley was proposed in a meeting of Croat representatives of authorised institutions in Mostar. Representatives of the Croatian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Links attended the meeting.

Banja Luka

The RS Assembly session took place today. Most delegates were not satisfied with the proposed law on retirement insurance. Delegates supported the Labour Law proposal. The Assembly should vote on the following draft laws: the Law on Employment, the Law on Work Inspection and the Law on Selection and Appointment. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic.

Banja Luka

The Director of the World Bank, Joseph Ingram and the IMF Director in B&H, Bruno de Scaetzen met the RS Deputy Prime Minister, Savo Loncar. They discussed a package of economic measures for the RS.


It was officially confirmed that Slobodan Milosevic would visit Berene, Montenegro tomorrow. The Serbian democratic opposition will organise a final meeting in the centre of Belgrade. Reported by Danica Ilic.


According to the SENSE Agency, Dimitry Rogosin, the Chairman of the Russian Duma Committee for Public Relations announced visit of a delegation to Kosovo, which would investigate the work of the Head of the Civil Administration, Bernard Koutchner, Gordana Frimel reported.


16 people died in a bomb explosion in Islamabad. Pakistan accused the Indian Intelligence of the attack. India denied the accusations.

Protests in Europe continue, due to high fuel prices.

The value of EURO continually decreases at stock markets.

According to the Peruvian Minister of Justice, general elections in this country should take place in March next year.

The Philippines Government claims that rebels use hostages as human shield.

The Russian President, Vladimir Putin announced continuation of operation of recovering bodies from the sunk submarine “Kursk”. Adis Saranovic reported on current world events.


A high UN official said that the success of the SDP in local elections would cause radical reform in one-nation parties. All parties should offer solutions for social issues. “Auditors are controlling financial reports of parties”, said the OSCE Spokesman, Luke Zahner. “The Pre-election Commission has the right to undertake action against any political party that has broken the rules”, Mr. Zahner added. Vedran Persic produced the report.


The B&H Alternative Council of Ministers (AMV) demanded replacement of the Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers, Spasoje Tusevljak, and the B&H Minister for European Integration, Bisera Turkovic. According to the AMV Chairman, Sejfudin Tokic, the SPRS, the SDS and the SRS deliberately voted non-confidence in the RS Government, and now have the majority in the RS Assembly. “They comply with Milosevic’s wishes”, Mr. Tokic added. Reported by Svjetlana Celic.


“It is a pleasure to announce that the Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out numerous arrests of persons suspected of committing acts of terrorism, including the murder of Jozo Leutar. The arrests were carried out legally”, said the Head of the OSCE Mission in B&H, Jacques Klein. Mr. Klein emphasised that the investigation was not based on ethnic background, Damir Kaletovic confirmed.


Delegations of the Federation and the RS Governments met in Brcko today. The Brcko District Supervisor, Garry Mathews chaired the meeting. Purpose of the discussion is finding basis for co-operation between the two entities. Reported by Slobodanka Radojkovic.


942 facilities owned by “Vakuf” and other religious communities in B&H were nationalised in 1945. According to the High Representative, a large part of the property will not be restituted, and a compensation will be paid instead. The final decision will be made after adoption of the State Law on Restitution. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.


Numerous evictions are taking place in the Tuzla Canton. Some refugee associations are not satisfied because, according to them, the police often use force when there is no need for that.


Reports on the 27th Summer Olympic Games in Sydney and international football were presented.