- Complete withdrawal of Yugoslav troops from the central Kosovo
- Kosovo Liberation Army in compliance with agreement on disarmament
- Koln – reconstruction of Kosovo and support to Russia, main topics of the G8 discussion
- Sarajevo – celebrating session of the both BiH Parliament houses – senior EC representatives were present
- First passenger plane landed at the airport in Tuzla
- Banja Luka – can dairy factories meet needs of the town’s population?
- Topic of TV INFO: Return Process – 200 returnees from the Kljuc Municipality in the RS want to return to their homes – in Prozor, thirty five Bosniaks returned to the Gracac village
- Torino – host of the Olympic Winter Games 2006
According to NATO sources, withdrawal of the Yugoslav troops from Kosovo is going according to the agreed plan. Approximately 35,000 Serb troops have withdrawn from Kosovo to date. At the same time in Prizren, members of the Kosovo Liberation Army complied in full with the agreement on disarmament.
Reconstruction of Kosovo and providing support to Russia were the main topics of the G8 meeting in Koln today. According to the latest information, the G8 will not reach a final decision on funds for reconstruction of Kosovo although the general framework of the Pact of Stability will be determined.
This was followed by a report on the agreement signed between the USA and Russia about the Russian participation within KFOR. The agreement, signed by the US and Russian defense ministers in Helsinki, was welcomed by the West, Russia and Belgrade as well.
A report on the meeting between the French, USA, UK, German and Italian foreign ministers today in Paris where they discussed the situation in Kosovo. This extraordinary meeting was initiated by problems occurred with the Kosovo Liberation Army in the meantime.
This was followed by a piece on the Council of Europe, established 50 years ago by 10 countries, and subsequently joined by another thirty. BiH has expressed its wish to become a member of the organization. But first, a series of preconditions has to be fulfilled. One of the main preconditions is protection of human rights. The EC delegation, headed by the Chairman and General Secretary, visited BiH. OBN journalist, Amarildo Gutic, produced a report on this.
Today in Sarajevo, the Alliance for Security in BiH organized a lecture about Pact of Stability. The Alliance is a non-governmental organization, established with the co-operation of the NATO representatives in Brussels aimed to establish a dialogue between NATO and different structures of the BiH society.
A report on the first landing of a passenger plane at the Dubrave airport near Tuzla. This is the start of commercial flights at this airport. OBN reporter from Tuzla, Dzenana Karabegovic, produced the report.
Banja Luka
There is a great number of dairy products factories in the RS. OBN crew from Banja Luka researched whether they are able to meet the needs of the market. It was concluded that citizens mainly buy domestic products.
This was followed by a report on the adoption of the Code of Conduct by the RS Judges Association. According to the Code, judges and prosecutors should act independently from the legislative and executive bodies. In Banja Luka, a discussion on the court system in the RS continued today.
Process of Return
In the Krasulje village near Kljuc, completely destroyed during the war, more than 50% of the pre-war population have returned to the village due to the help of the international organizations. Two hundred displaced persons from the RS live in the same village. They are waiting to return to their pre-war homes.
This was followed by a report on return to the Prozor Municipality where 35 Bosniaks have returned to date. OBN reporter from Prozor, Senada Malanovic, produced a report on this.
A piece on the official establishment of the BiH Electronic Media Association. The Association gathers radio and TV stations from the BiH Federation and RS.
In the Potkraj village, situated in the Vlasic area, a water supply system is soon to be built. Funds for the project of reconstruction are provided by the USAID. Works are planned to be finished within the next month.
News that Torino will be the host of the Olympic Winter Games 2006 was followed by results from the finals of the RS Football Cup.