- The OSCE announced that the election results will be known on Thursday
- The “Polihem” company employees from Tuzla organised a strike again
- It is still unknown whether means for construction of highway between Sarajevo and Zenica are provided
- Protests in Washington against the IMF session continued today
- Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin met in London
This evening’s guest in TV INFO was Svetozar Mihajlovic, the candidate for the Serb chairman of the B&H Presidency. The SNS will most probably stay within the Coalition Sloga, said Mihajlovic. I hope that tomorrow it will be decided which ministry will belong to which nation, he added. The current Foreign Minister should remain on his position, because he has had a pretty good results, said Mihajlovic. I hope that the Council of Ministers will start working in ten days, Mihajlovic added.
Final election results will be announced on Thursday. The Election Commission investigates 16 cases of alleged misbehaviour of their members. Regardless of the investigation outcome, the results won’t change, said Tanya Domi, the OSCE Spokesperson. Reported by Vedran Persic.
The Federal Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic announced that the construction of highway between Sarajevo and Zenica would start at the beginning of March. The construction hasn’t started yet. The main investor, French company “Buick” still seeks funds from international financial institutions. Several governments in transition also had bad experiences with this company, our reporter Amarildo Gutic confirmed.
Regular annual sessions of the IMF and the World Bank in Washington were marked by massive protests under the slogan “Mobilisation for Global Justice”. New loan engagements were announced, and forgiving of debts to some of the poorest countries. Reported by Kemal Kurspahic from Washington.
The former official from the Socialist Party in Serbia, Vojislav Zivkovic commited suicide, radio “Free Europe” reported.
The UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair and the Russian President, Vladimir Putin met in London today. Putin emphasised that Russian actions in Cechenia are directed against international terrorism. Russian forces allowed civilians to enter Grozny today.
Citizens in Ukraine voted to the benefit of the current President.
The party of the Prime Minister, Massimo D’Alemma lost the elections in Italy. Leader of the Rightist Party, Silvio Berlusconi, demanded the government’s resignation.
The ICTY Expert Teams continued the exhumation in Kosovo. They plan to open about 300 graves in the next six months.
The Zenica SDP condemned the destruction of memorials built in memory of killed HVO soldiers. Most citizens of Zenica condemned this act, too. Reported by Koraljka Kurcenberger.
The HDZ also protested against the destruction, Marina Bogdanic reported from Zenica.
Banja Luka
The RS Army significantly reduced their military potential. The Defence Budget has also been reduced. As a consequence, several military officials were fired. The problem of unemployment exists in both B&H entities, but the RS is in deeper social crisis, confirmed Sanela Zivkovic from Banja Luka.
“Polihem” company employees from Tuzla organised a strike again. They didn’t receive salaries, which was the condition for stopping the strike, said Miralem Ibrisimovic, President of the Strike Board. The Board appealed the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch to help them. The report was produced by Adis Nisic.
This country must import milk because we cannot produce enough, they say at the authorised Ministry. The Ministry of Agriculture made a strategy for the next six years, according to which the government should invest DM972 million in local production, and DM12 million would be only for milk. The strategy proposal will be submitted before the Parliament. The report was produced by Mirna Sadikovic.
The simulated UN Security Council session took place in Sarajevo today. The aim is young people to find out more about the current world situation. The US Ambassador in B&H, Thomas Miller initiated the programme. Reported by Slobodan Maksimovic.
A tram with the sign “Britain and Bosnia” started circling around Sarajevo today. The art-sports manifestation under the same name was opened in Sarajevo. The report was produced by Gordana Frimel.
Reports on international football were presented.