
OBN News Review, 15 November 2000



  • About 65% of voters participated in the B&H General Election
  • The Spanish Prime Minister, Josep Pique visited B&H
  • Yugoslav and Croatian economists met in Belgrade
  • Official results of the US presidential election will be announced on Saturday
  • 8 Bosniacs, indicted war criminals surrendered to the Canton Court in Mostar


The Spanish Prime Minister, Josep Pique visited B&H. Mr. Pique met the Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Zivko Radisic. “I informed the Chairman that Spain would open a department for technical co-operation in Sarajevo, which would cover the whole of B&H”, Mr. Pique said. “The Zagreb summit will be a good opportunity for B&H to establish better relations”, he added. Reported by Zeljka Lekic.


OSCE announced new preliminary election results at a press conference today. The results are similar to previous ones, and were based on 144 reports, out of 148. About 1/3 of non-ratified ballots have been processed so far. Vanja Elezovic produced the report.


Several political parties organised press conferences today. According to SDP Spokesman, this party fulfilled its election objectives. “OSCE results are similar to those we have”, SDS representatives announced. Reported by Svjetlana Celic and Tatjana Lajsic.


The Special US Envoy, James O’Brien visited Yugoslavia. Mr. O’Brien met the Yugoslav President, Vojislav Kostunica and the FRY Foreign Minister, Goran Svilanovic. They discussed re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Yugoslavia and the USA. About 400 Croatian economists arrived in Belgrade today, in order to discuss establishment of free trade and traffic between the two countries. Reported by Danica Ilic.

The Yugoslav President, Vojislav Kostunica wants that Yugoslavia joins the EU. “This is the aim of my Government in foreign policy”, Kostunica said before the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Mr. Kostunica said he was ready to start a dialogue with Albania about problems in Kosovo, Gordana Frimel reported.


40 passengers died in a plane crash near the Capital of Angola.

At least 7 Palestinians were killed in clashes with the Israeli Army in Gaza.

Widow of the killed Palestinian Prime Minister, Jicak Rabin was buried today in Jerusalem.

The US and Russian presidents discussed crisis in the Middle East during the Summit in Brunei, the Kremlin Spokesman said.

The Republican, George Bush won 300 votes more than his competitor, Al Gore. Official results will be announced on Saturday. Gordana Frimel reported on world events.


8 Bosniacs, indicted war criminals surrendered to the Canton Court in Mostar, the UN Spokesman, Stefo Lehmann confirmed today. They are currently in a prison in Mostar, Mirsad Behram reported.


The US Government announced beginning of implementation of the pilot programme, which will enable B&H citizens to use credits for flats. The US Ambassador, Thomas Miller explained credit terms today. Anes Alic produced the report.


Damages after last year’s floods in Mostar have not been repaired yet. While “Elektroprivreda” tries to avoid responsibility, citizens are still waiting, and the winter is getting closer. Reported by Ivan Pavkovic.


Premiere of the performance “Ljubaf”, directed by Zoran Becic will take place at the scene 92 in “Dom policije” in Sarajevo tomorrow. Meliha Hasanbegovic produced the report.


Reports on international football and tennis, and local basketball were presented.