- Four staff members of the US non-governmental organisation CRS were injured in the explosion of a land mine under their vehicle in the Gacko area
- Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje” will sue highest officials of the UN, the BH Presidency and Army for the crime committed in
- The BiH Federation Government will discuss whether to increase the oil price tomorrow
- The Representative House of the BiH Parliament discussed the draft permanent election law
- A bridge over the river Una, between BiH and Croatia, near Bosanska Dubica, opened
- AIDS has taken more than two million six hundred thousand lives during this year – today is the world day of the fight against this disease
Fazlagica Kula
Four staff members of the US non-governmental organisation CRS were injured in the explosion of a land mine under their vehicle. The accident occurred yesterday near Fazlagica Kula village in the Gacko area. They were checking a devastated Bosniak house in the area. One of the staff members will be transferred to Sarajevo because of eye injury. At the press conference of international organisations in Mostar, the Spokesman of the UNHCR, Olivie Mouqe, said that there were no reports on possible mine fields in the area. The investigation is currently going on by SFOR, IPTF and the local police. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Alisa Dzebo.
Sarajevo (Srebrenica)
The Association “Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje” will sue the highest officials of the UN, the BH Presidency and Army for the crime committed in 1995. The current and the ex UN General Secretaries and other high officials of this world organisation will be on the list of those accused of crimes. The UN reports announced on November 15th said that the most responsible individuals for the crimes in Srebrenica were Ratko Mladic, Radovan Karadzic and Radoslav Krstic. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Vedran Persic.
Bosanska / Kozarska Dubica
A bridge over the river Una, between BiH and Croatia, near Bosanska/Kozarska Dubica, was reopened after seven years. The report was produced by the OBN reporter from the area, Milorad Milojevic. The ceremony was attended by representatives of BiH and Croatia Foreign Ministries. The RS Prime Minister also attended the ceremony. The project of the bridge reconstruction was worth 1,8 million dollars and was funded by USAID.
Oil Price
The BiH Federation Government prepared a decision on the increase of oil price. The decision will be discussed at tomorrow’s session. OBN reporter, Anes Alic, produced a report on the global increase of oil price and reasons for that. For the time being, there have not been indications that the price of oil in the RS would go up. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Dragan Stanimirovic, reported that there was an important difference in the oil price in private and state-owned fuel stations. Fuel is cheaper in the private fuel stations.
A report on the adoption of a decision by the Representative House of the BiH Parliament on the status of displaced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Parliament discussed the draft permanent election law. Most of the representatives were not satisfied with this new draft law. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.
The Hague
An announcement on raising of new charges came from the Hague. The Deputy Main Prosecutor said that investigations have come to their end. Some of the new charges will be announced in public, others will be not. Mladen Naletilic (Tuta), indicted for war crimes committed against Bosniaks in the Mostar area, will undergo a medical operation next week in Zagreb. This operation is necessary in order to make him physically capable to attend court proceedings in the Hague. The report was produced for TV INFO by Vjera Bogoti from the Hague.
A report on the critical health state of the Croatian President, Franjo Tudjman. Six opposition parties leaders in Croatia signed a Declaration about their post-election activities. These opposition parties refused to make any kind of coalition with HDZ party after the elections. This was followed by a report on the release of seventeen Albanians who were arrested in the Istok town in May. This was followed by reports on the beginning of the International Conference of Trade in Seattle and protests in the city, and the continuation of fights in Chechenia. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Duska Jurisic.
The Head of the OHR Regional Office in Mostar, Gerhard Sontheim, said at today’s press conference that the best way for the International Community to intervene in Bosnia and Herzegovina was to make the politicians responsible to their people. This was his comment about the dismissal of 22 BiH officials by OHR and OSCE. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Mostar, Mirsad Behram.
This was followed by a report on the visit of the Mostar Mayor, Ivan Prskalo, to returnees in the Mostar suburb, Polje. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Pejo Gasparevic.
A piece on 63 eviction orders which will be implemented at the end of the week. In all 63 cases it was proven that the dwellers have been using those apartments illegally. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Slobodanka Radojkovic.
Today in Sarajevo, representatives of the Ploce harbour presented the current situation and perspectives for the Ploce harbour. They were satisfied with their business cooperation with BiH businessmen. The report was produced by OBN reporter Slobodan Maksimovic.
This was followed by a report on banks in the BiH Federation. Is there a bank in the BiH Federation which is trustworthy? The BiH Federation Government claim there is such a bank – the Investment Bank of the BiH Federation. The Bank started working in the new office today. The BiH Federation Government established the bank. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic.
Already this year, more than two million six hundred thousand people died of AIDS. OBN reporter, Sefko Bajic and Darko Savic, produced a report on the current situation with this disease in BiH. This year, the campaign stressed prevention and education of young people.
A report on the European Chess Championship was followed by reports on the BiH basketball team results and NBA.