05/18/2000 OHR Brcko

Supervisor Farrand announces his departure from Brcko


The Supervisor of Brcko, Robert W. Farrand, has announced that he will leave his post at the end of May. The Supervisor has informed the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, of his decision.

After more than three years in Brcko, Supervisor Farrand feels that his main tasks have been accomplished. With the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina now established and the basic interim institutions of the District in place, a new phase has begun in Brcko’s recovery. Ambassador Farrand thus brings his tenure as Supervisor of Brcko to a close, confident in the view that the Brcko Final Award will continue to be implemented in all its provisions and in a peaceful, phased and orderly manner.

Supervisor Farrand expresses his deep gratitude to the people of Brcko and their representatives as well as to the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its two Entities for the cooperation he has received. Their combined contribution to the early success of the Brcko District has been invaluable. His gratitude extends in equal measure to the many international representatives who have given so generously of their time and resources to the Brcko District.

Ambassador Farrand will hold a special press conference next week. The media will be informed in advance.