09/16/2005 OHR Sarajevo

Statement: HDZ Delays Introduction of PBS Law


“Striking the PBS System Law from the agenda of the BiH House of Peoples today further delays the introduction of this important legislation and creates an additional obstacle in the reform process of BiH on the way to Europe,” Senior Deputy High Representative Martin Ney said today, commenting on the HoP’s decision not to discuss this Law until the BiH Constitutional Court’s Decision is formally published in the Official Gazette. The request to remove this legislation originated with the HDZ.

“The BiH Constitutional Court’s ruling clearly states that this legislation in no way undermines the rights and interests of Croats in BiH,” said Ambassador Ney.

“This is delay for the sake of delay to legislation that is a Feasibility Study requirement,” he added. “The possibilities to discuss or amend the PBS System Law have been exhausted. I call upon the HDZ to recognise a valid Decision of the BiH Constitutional Court, and return this legislation to the session of the House of Peoples and immediately make a vote on this Law possible.”

The PBS System Law is the framework Law which will determine the fundamental principles for the PBS Service Laws, at Entity and state level, meaning the number of channels, programming principles, management and finances.